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Starter Answer the following questions on your whiteboards

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Answer the following questions on your whiteboards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Answer the following questions on your whiteboards
Define sole trader. What is unlimited liability? List 2 advantages of being a sole trader. List 2 disadvantages of being a sole trader. EXTENSION: I want to open a newsagents. I want to be the boss, but can you give me some advice to what else I need to be aware of.

2 Partnerships

3 Objectives To identify the features of a partnership (E)
To analyse the benefits and drawbacks to a partnership. (C) To evaluate why a business would form as a partnership. (A)

4 What is a partnership? A business agreement between 2-20 people, but could have more staff They have unlimited liability Examples:- Vets Doctors Solicitors

5 How to set up a Partnership?
A Deed Of Partnership needs to be completed. This shows:- The money put in Roles and responsibilities How the agreement can be ended Anything not covered in this agreement is covered by the Partnership Act 1890

6 Sleeping Partners These are people who have invested money into the company but have no active part in running the business They have limited liability

7 Advantages Vs Disadvantages
In pairs come up with the advantages and disadvantages you believe a partnership to have.

8 Advantages of Partnerships
Spreads the risk more than being a sole trader New skills can be brought to the business More money and resources are brought to the business Accounts are kept private

9 Disadvantages of Partnerships
Unlimited liability Sharing the profits Less control of the business Disputes over workload Partnership has to be reformed if a partner dies

10 Partnership advantages and disadvantages

11 Task Complete the true or false activity handed out.

12 Activity In groups you should form your own partnership and each create a deed of partnership detailing the particulars of the business you are creating.

13 Team quiz!

14 Video Watch the following short video which will talk about the different forms a business can take. You have covered 2 of them, but what are the other ones mentioned? Can you make a note of what they are and their advantages and disadvantages?

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