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AQA Geography Paper Three Figure One

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1 AQA Geography Paper Three Figure One
Created By TheLittleJedi Hope This Helps

2 *hint* going full screen will help you see the following two pages better *hint*



5 Paper Three Geography. This paper includes questions about your fieldwork and a set of questions from the insert you received on the 21st March This year AQA has given our insert on tropical rainforests. Not going to lie, I am incredibly happy that we got this topic as it is one of the easiest and knowledgeable in my opinion. However, the questions that are going to be given to us in the exam will include a reference to either: -Food. -Water. -Energy. We get given another insert paper in the exam to aid us in this paper. My teacher has predicted that one question will ask us on energy. That’s his guess, there is a possibility that it wont be on energy. It is your job to be prepared for those questions on tropical rainforest. This following PowerPoint will include possible exam questions for figure one with answer. This should help anyone looking to revise for paper three geography. Hope this helps and good luck. Next week I will release figure 2 and some part of the Easter holiday I will release figure 3.

6 Describe the location of tropical rainforests (3 Marks)
Tropical rainforests cover approximately 6% of the Earth’s surface. They are found in between the tropic and cancer and Capricorn as the climate at the equator is hot and humid as well as with convectional rainfall. Climate Data – Numeracy Skills (1 Mark) You may receive a climate graph question which may ask you the following: Calculate the temperature range, total annual rainfall, mean, median, mode, rainfall range. Or it will ask to complete the graph.

7 Explain how plants have adapted to conditions in the tropical rainforests (6 Marks)
This question is asking you for your knowledge on rainforest vegetation. Here are some examples: -Thin bark. There is no need for protection against the cold. -Smooth bark. Allows water to smoothly run off it. -Waxy leaves. Allows leaves to shed rainwater quickly as moisture on the leaf prevents photosynthesis. It also makes insects slip off. Drip tips. The water that is shed goes off the drip trip which is pointed towards the plant’s root. -Buttress roots. Supports the balance of massive trees in the rainforest. -Colour. Some plants eat insects, they need to be attractive. -Epiphytes. Parasitic plants that live on the surface of other plants.

8 My answer: In the tropical rainforest, trees are well adapted to the surrounding conditions of their environment as they have smooth bark which allows water to run off quickly. Not only that, but the bark is thin as there is no need for protection against the cold as the climate is hot and humid. These coniferous trees have huge roots called buttress roots which are well adapted to support the balance of their immense size. Furthermore, because of their size, it allows them to have access to high levels of sunlight which gives them the increase ability to photosynthesize. Overall, trees are well adapted to the conditions in the rainforest due to the continuous rain which is caused by convectional rainfall.

9 “The Tropical Rainforest provides a range of goods and services”
“The Tropical Rainforest provides a range of goods and services”. Discuss this statement. (6 Marks) This question is telling you to use your insert booklet which explains the useful of plants and animals to humans:

10 My Answer: The tropical rainforest is important for worldwide health as it provides necessary ingredients to produce possible cures for diseases. For instance: Vinblastine. This medical plant is used to treat Leukemia and Hodgkin's disease. This is a important service that the rainforest provides as without it the treatment for such diseases will be limited. Especially, with the increased impact of deforestation continuously makes this plants harder to find which can affect finding a cure. Another plant that is used to treat diseases is Quinine. This medical plant is used to treat the symptoms of Malaria. Once again this is extremely important as Malaria is absent of a cure and is spreading at a fast pace. Furthermore, a statistic shows that two-thirds or more of all drugs with cancer- fighting properties comes from the rainforest. This makes the rainforest a important range of goods and services. Animals in the tropical rainforest also provide a good range of services. For example: Bats. This creature’s saliva helps to prevent heart attacks in humans. Not only that, but the saliva from leeches dissolves blood clots in humans. This is proof that the rainforest provides life-saving treatment and is marked for a good place for a range of goods and services.

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