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Straw polls and Motions on Spec text for and

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1 Straw polls and Motions on Spec text for 32.2.7 and 32.2.13
doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 Month Year July 2018 Straw polls and Motions on Spec text for and Date: Authors: Vinod Kristem, Intel Corporation John Doe, Some Company

2 July 2018 Straw poll 1 Do you support to incorporate the proposed changes in 11-18/1205r4 to the next TGba Draft? Yes/No/Abstain: 9/0/20 Vinod Kristem, Intel Corporation

3 July 2018 Straw poll 2 Do you support to incorporate the proposed changes in 11-18/1166r1 to the next TGba Draft? Yes/No/Abstain: 12/0/0 Vinod Kristem, Intel Corporation

4 July 2018 Motion #1 Move to incorporate the proposed changes in 11-18/1205r4 to the next TGba Draft Move: Second: Yes/No/Abstain: Vinod Kristem, Intel Corporation

5 July 2018 Motion #2 Move to incorporate the proposed changes in 11-18/1166r1 to the next TGba Draft Move: Second: Yes/No/Abstain: Vinod Kristem, Intel Corporation

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