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CTA Status and Plans Juan Abel Barrio 4 th MultiDark Workshop, Contacts with Industry IFT, Madrid. April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "CTA Status and Plans Juan Abel Barrio 4 th MultiDark Workshop, Contacts with Industry IFT, Madrid. April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 CTA Status and Plans Juan Abel Barrio 4 th MultiDark Workshop, Contacts with Industry IFT, Madrid. April 2011

2 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 2 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 CTA: Cherenkov Telescope Array One observatory with two (asymmetric) sites for all-sky coverage operated by one consortium

3 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM Scientific Motivation Project status Plans for construction & operation CTA-Spain contribution Proposal: CTA-North at Spain

4 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 4 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Cosmic electromagnetic spectrum 1 eV 10 12 eV = 1 TeV

5 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 5 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 First VHE -ray source The Crab Nebula 1989, Whipple The VHE gamma-ray sky has open-up … Over 350 publications in prestigious journals 12 publications in Science and Nature

6 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM Project status

7 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 7 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Unifying European Efforts Worldwide

8 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 8 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 CTA Timeline Design Design Study 2007-2010 Preparatory Phase 2010-2013 Array Construction 2014-2018 Design Concepts for CTA (arXiv:1008.3703v1) Production-Ready Technical Design Report

9 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 9 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 CTA Layout Low-energy section: 4 x 23 m tel. (LST) - Parabolic reflector - FOV: 4-5 degrees - f/D: ~1.2 energy threshold of some 10 GeV Core-energy array: 23 x 12 m tel. (MST) Davies-Cotton reflector - FOV: 7-8 degrees - f/D: ~1.4 mCrab sensitivity in the 100 GeV–10 TeV domain High-energy section: 32 x 5-6 m tel. (SST) Davies-Cotton reflector (or Schwarzschild-Couder) - FOV: ~10 degrees - f/D: 1.2 – 1.5 10 km 2 area at multi-TeV energies (one) possible configuration 100 M (2006 costs)

10 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 10 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Cherenkov telescopes EAS ~10 km ~ 1 o Cherenkov light ~ 120 m Effective area ~10 4 m 2 Background rejection Operation principle

11 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 11 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Cherenkov telescopes EAS ~10 km ~ 1 o Cherenkov light Effective area ~10 4 m 2 Background rejection ++ Enhanced reconstruction Operation principle Effective area ~10 4 m 2 Background rejection

12 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 12 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 CTA in numbers CTA Consortium: above 550 researchers from over 120 groups from about 80 Institutions from 22 countries (16 European) (Until May 2010) + USA, India, Brazil, Slovenia, Marseille -> over 700 people CTA Observatory sites: ­One in the South O(100 MEuros) -> Argentina, Namibia, South-Africa ­Another in the North O(50 MEuros) -> Spain, Mexico,… CTA Telescopes: O(100) altogether ­South Observatory: O(5) LST, O(30) MST, O(30) SST in ~3x3 Km 2 ­North Observatory: O(5) LST, O(30) MST in ~1x1 Km 2 CTA dates: ­CDR: May 2010 / TDR: End 2013 ­Construction start: 2013-2014 / end: 2018-19

13 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM Plans for construction and operation

14 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 14 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Medium &small-sized telescopes MST SST

15 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 15 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Large-sized telescopes LST

16 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 16 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Camera elements

17 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 17 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Mirrors Diamond-milled Aluminum sandwich (MAGIC-I) Foam glass replica Composites (carbon-fibre epoxy) Cold-slumped glass replica (MAGIC II) Glass mirrors (H.E.S.S.) Sizeable part of costs Challenges ­ 10000 m 2 ­ Produce them in time ! ­ Replica techniques to be proven:

18 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 18 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Active Mirror Control

19 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 19 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Operation and control

20 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM CTA Spain structure and contribution

21 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 21 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 CTA-Spain Consortium in numbers 8 groups (so far) from different fields: Madrid, Barcelona, IAC Personnel: 70 researchers and 50 EDPs (about 10% of the whole CTA, 12,5% EDPs). 5 Ramón y Cajal Fellows Cooperation with enterprises: GTD, INSA, etc. Funding so far (up 2013): 3.2 M 8 groups (so far) from different fields: Madrid, Barcelona, IAC Personnel: 70 researchers and 50 EDPs (about 10% of the whole CTA, 12,5% EDPs). 5 Ramón y Cajal Fellows Cooperation with enterprises: GTD, INSA, etc. Funding so far (up 2013): 3.2 M

22 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 22 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 CTA-Spain Contributions Large Size Telescope Low energy threshold physics (very demanding) ­ Advanced front-end and analog-to-digital electronics ­ Advanced trigger development ­ Advanced photosensors ­ Telescope structure Atmospheric characterization Reduce systematic uncertainties ­ New atmospheric monitoring instrumentation ­ New calibration instrumentation SITE characterization Data Model and Reduction

23 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 23 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Camera design and prototyping Electronics Readout PreAmp (UB) Digitizing (French & italian groups) Trigger L0 (IFAE)L1 - Decision (UCM-GAE) L1- Distrib. (CIEMAT) Cluster Camera Photosensors (CIEMAT) (UB) (UCM-GAE) (UCM-ELEC) (IFAE) Mechanics (CIEMAT) Timing (UCM-ELEC) Mechanics (IFAE, CIEMAT, UCM-ELEC) Quality control (UCM-ELEC) Slow control (IFAE) New camera concepts (IFAE, CIEMAT, UB, UCM-GAE, UCM-ELEC)

24 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM Proposal for CTA-North at Spain

25 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 25 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 CTA-North at Spain CTA-North features ­ Scientific aim: extragalactic physics, pulsars and dark matter ­Low threshold: ~5 LST, ~30 MST area ~1x1 km 2 Lower cost (~80 M) than CTA-South Probable proposed sites: Arizona (US), Sierra Negra (México), India ? CTA-North at Spain ­Positive experience with HEGRA and MAGIC ­ Great benefits for Spanish scientific community and industry ­ Proposed site: Izaña Observatory (IAC), Tenerife

26 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 26 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 CTA-North at Spain

27 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 27 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Conclusions Improve sensitivity (factor ~10) and energy coverage (20 GeV-100 TeV) Merge efforts by different experimental groups (HESS, MAGIC, VERITAS) and the astrophysics community. Currently ~1000 people. World wide effort: CTA = Cherenkov Telescope Array. Entering now in the Preparatory Phase within FP7 Prototyping Challenging instruments Opportunities for industry Proposal for CTA-North in Spain Opportunities for Spanish industry

28 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 28 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Conclusions (Not to scale)

29 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM Backup

30 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 30 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 TeV Astronomy: Highlights Over 350 publications in prestigious journals: Microquasars: Science 309, 746 (2005), Science 312, 1771 (2006) Pulsars: Science 322, 1221 (2008) Supernova remnants: Nature 432, 75 (2004) The Galactic Centre: Nature 439, 695 (2006) Galactic Survey: Science 307, 1839 (2005) Starbursts: Nature 462, 770 (2009), Science 326,1080 (2009) AGN: Science 314,1424 (2006), Science 325, 444 (2009) EBL: Nature 440, 1018 (2006), Science 320, 752 (2008) Dark Matter: Phys Rev Letters 96, 221102 (2006) Lorentz Invariance: Phys Rev Letters 101, 170402 (2008) Cosmic Ray Electrons: Phys Rev Letters (2009)

31 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 31 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 10 -14 10 -13 10 -12 10 -11 10100100010 4 10 5 Crab 10% Crab 1% Crab Fermi MAGIC-I H.E.S.S. E. F(>E) [TeV/cm 2 s] E (GeV) High-z AGNs, pulsars, Dark Matter Population studies, extended sources, precision measurements Exploring the cutoff regime of cosmic accelerators CTA wish list CTA

32 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 32 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 CTA listed as priority in international roadmaps of: ­ASTRONET (European Astrophysics Coordination) ­ASPERA (European Astroparticles Coordination) ApPEC Targeted DS Common Call -> Up to 2.7M ­ESFRI (European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures) EU FP7 Preparatory Phase approved -> Up to 5.2M ­Astroparticle WG of GSF (OECD) CTA worldwide project ­USA PASAG and Decadal Review At the Spanish level: ­Project included in the MICINN roadmap as High Priority ­RIA (Red de Infraestructuras de Astronomia) CTA group CTA reviewed at many levels

33 33 The Preparatory Phase Preparing for CTA Organisation (Governance, Finance, Legal…) Construction (Finalise Design/Implementation plans, Site selection/development) Operation (Observatory, Data, …) Technical work Science-based optimisation of the observatory, detailed design work, down-selection of the many hardware options Monte-Carlo simulations, data analysis development, physics/astrophysics studies, mechanical and electronic engineering

34 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 34 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 CTA Data flow storage Pre-reduct. Lev0 --> Lev1a-->Lev1b Reduction Calibration Lev1b --> Lev2a MC cuts Phot. List (Lev 2b) Calib. Files Data Retrieval Interface High Level Data Interface MWL-IA Observatory Scien. Products (skymap, spec., LC) 12 3

35 Vertical WPs Large-size telescope system int. LST focal plane instrumentation LST structure and mirror Medium - size telescope system int. MST focal plane instrumentation MST structure and mirror Small-size telescope system int. SST focal plane instrumentation SST structure and mirror Horizontal WPs Instrument simulation Telescope structures and drive systems Mirror facets, mirror alignment Instrument control and data acquisition … Technical project coordination Supported by CTA-PP

36 The Spanish Coordinated Project for CTA Areas of interest: Physics ( ALL ) Atmosphere and calibration ( IFAE, UAB ) Trigger and electronics ( ICC-UB, IFAE, UCM-GAE, UCM-ELEC ) * Monte Carlo (design) ( IFAE, CIEMAT ) * Mechanics (CIEMAT, IFAE) * - Data ( ICE-IEEC, UCM-GAE, ICC-UB ) Quality Control ( UCM-ELEC ) Site & Outreach ( IAC, IFAE, UCM-GAE) -

37 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 37 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011

38 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 38 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Posibles sitios en España 3 Obs. Izaña, Tenerife: Ventajas: sitio astronómico consolidado, infraestructura astronómica ya existente, bien caracterizado, cercanía a sede del IAC en La Laguna. Desventajas: ?? Falta una cierta caracterización de los sitios concretos 1 & 2.

39 Juan Abel Barrio, GAE-UCM 39 4 th MultiDark Workshop, IFT Madrid, April 2011 Sitio 1 Sitio 2 O. Izaña 1 km Sitio 1 probablemente limitado por orografía a <1 km 2.

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