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Practice with TOPIC Sentences and CONCLUDING Sentences

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Presentation on theme: "Practice with TOPIC Sentences and CONCLUDING Sentences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practice with TOPIC Sentences and CONCLUDING Sentences

2 Your topic sentence introduces the main idea of your paragraph
Your concluding sentence sums up your paragraph and main idea in a fresh, new way For your descriptive paragraph, you can think of a new adjective or explain your idea in a completely new way

3 Example Topic Sentence: The view of the lake was serene. Concluding Sentences: Using a new adjective: The sight of the calm lake was tranquil. Writing in a completely new way: As I looked out at the lake I was filled with a calming tranquility.

4 Topic Sentence: The view of the mountains was arresting
Topic Sentence: The view of the mountains was arresting. How can we say this in a fresh, new way?

5 How can we say this in a fresh, new way?
Topic Sentence: The view from the poolside was rejuvenating. How can we say this in a fresh, new way?

6 How can we say this in a fresh, new way?
Topic Sentence: The view from the top of the ramp was exhilarating. How can we say this in a fresh, new way?

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