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Igal Kotzer, General Motors

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Presentation on theme: "Igal Kotzer, General Motors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

2 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

3 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

4 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

5 Generate a one page call for submissions from other groups
Approval of this meeting’s and previous meeting’s agenda – no need as this is the 1st TG meeting Agenda items: Generate a one page call for submissions from other groups Decide on the best way to approach Bluetooth SIG Technical submissions Motions Schedule for conference calls Igal Kotzer, General Motors

6 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

7 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

8 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

9 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

10 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

11 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

12 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

13 TG2 meeting called to order Agenda items:
On-The-Inter-Vehicle-Channel-Loss-at-2.4GHz Call-For-Submissions-From-Other-Groups Recess Igal Kotzer, General Motors

14 Approved by a unanimous concent
Motion to approve the agenda of the July 2017 TG2 meeting, /0010r1. Approved by a unanimous concent Igal Kotzer, General Motors

15 Irrelevant as this is the TG’s first meeting
Igal Kotzer, General Motors

16 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

17 TG2 meeting called to order Agenda items:
Call-For-Submissions-From-Other-Groups Motion to approve r3 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

18 #1 Approve document Call-For-Submissions-From-Other-Groups to be sent as a call for submissions Mover: Naotaka Sato Second: Alireza Nejatian Y/N/A: Igal Kotzer, General Motors

19 #2 Approve to change the text in motion 1 to
Approve document Call-For-Submissions-From-Other-Groups, and ask the IEEE working group chair to send the document to the IEEE 802 working groups before Feb. 1st 2017 Mover: Chen Sun Second: Naotaka Sato Y/N/A: Motion approved unanimously Igal Kotzer, General Motors

20 #1 - Revised Approve document Call-For-Submissions-From-Other-Groups, and ask the IEEE working group chair to send the document to the IEEE 802 working groups before Feb. 1st 2017 Mover: Naotaka Sato Second: Alireza Nejatian Y/N/A: Approved unanimously Igal Kotzer, General Motors

21 February 14th 2017, 10AM EDT Igal Kotzer, General Motors

22 Igal Kotzer, General Motors

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