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Are You In The Ball Park? 2013 Asset Management In Parks Seminar IPWEAvic.

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Presentation on theme: "Are You In The Ball Park? 2013 Asset Management In Parks Seminar IPWEAvic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are You In The Ball Park? 2013 Asset Management In Parks Seminar IPWEAvic

2 What is Yardstick International benchmarking programme Australia, New Zealand, South Africa (and Swaziland), Canada, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Ireland Involves more than 100 parks organisations Subscription based, and is industry owned and driven Operated in Australia by IPWEA Project managed by Xyst Australia Pty Ltd

3 Membership Composition


5 What is Yardstick

6 What is Parkcheck Management Measures Quantitative assessment of parks operation Provision Cost Operation Asset management Planning and strategy Environmental sustainability Social outcomes Australian specific questions July to October

7 What is Parkcheck – Management Measures Survey completed online – Detailed guidelines Onsite desk based audit No anonymous reporting – information sharing Searchable database Individual improvement plan

8 What is Parkcheck Visitor Measures Park user intercept survey Collect information on park user demographics Measures community levels of service Measures service level gaps Undertaken from August to November Benchmarked and individual reports

9 What is Parkcheck Visitor Measures Satisfaction and importance Gardens and trees Playgrounds Seats and tables Toilets Signs Cleanliness Grass maintenance Paths Shade Security

10 What is Parkcheck Visitor Measures Park user profile Age Ethnicity Place of residence Distance travelled Mode of transport Frequency of visit Length of stay Activities Comments and suggestions

11 Asset Management and Best Practice

12 What are you basing your assumptions on – how much is enough? Too much? What information dont you have What systems dont you have Are your services cost effective Where is everyone else on the asset management journey Just who is your parks community and what is important to them

13 Provision




17 Asset Management

18 Planning




22 Parks visit frequency

23 Gender and age

24 Provision

25 Use Parkcheck for: Influencing budgets Prioritising allocation of financial resources Providing factual information that drives asset management and sustainable financial planning Setting, monitoring, and managing performance measures

26 Use Parkcheck for: Justifying additional resources Providing a research base for information on parks and open space provision, cost and management Interacting with park users Identifying visitor expectations and satisfaction levels

27 What does it cost? Management Measures – between $2,400 and $4,900 Visitor Measures - $5,800 + surveying costs


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