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Titan videos A new version of imagery during the Huygens descent:

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1 Titan videos A new version of imagery during the Huygens descent:
4:41 Another video shows a zoom to the landing site: Approaching Titan a Billion Times Closer 3:23 Soaring Over Titan: Extraterrestrial Land of Lakes 1:27 (watched) The Canyon Country (fly-thru karst topography) 1:17 Cassini: Four Years of Discovery (Aug 2008 tribute video) 2:18 Cassini: 15 Years of Exploration (Nov tribute video) 2:29 Titan Touchdown (overview of Huygens landing with big titles) 2:27 And something else: Enceladus: Cassini Cracks the Case of the Icy Moon (narrated vid of discovery of magnetic anomaly, then jets) 2:34

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