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Vocabulaire 9.2 Français II. Tu connais la nouvelle ? Did you hear the latest news?

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulaire 9.2 Français II. Tu connais la nouvelle ? Did you hear the latest news?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulaire 9.2 Français II

2 Tu connais la nouvelle ? Did you hear the latest news?

3 Tu ne devineras jamais ce qui sest passé. Youll never guess what happened. Notice the use of thefutur tense here.

4 le futur Its easy to conjugate a regular verb in the futur. Take the infinitive (minus the final –e on regular –re verbs) and add...

5 les terminaisons du futur Notice that these endings very closely resemble the conjugated present tense forms of avoir.

6 Tu sais qui... ? Do you know who... ?

7 Tu sais ce que (+ S + V) ? Do you know what (+ S + V)?

8 Devine qui (+ V).... Guess who (+V)....

9 Devine ce qu(e) (+ S + V).... Guess what (+ S + V)....

10 Raconte ! Tell me!

11 Aucune idée. No idea.

12 Dis vite ! Lets hear it!

13 avoir un accident to have an accident

14 avoir (prendre) rendez-vous (avec quelquun) to have a date / make an appointment (with someone)

15 être privé(e) de sortie to be grounded

16 faire la tête to sulk

17 casser (avec qqn) to break up (with someone)

18 rencontrer to meet

19 se disputer (avec qqn) to have an argument (with someone)

20 se perdre to get lost

21 tomber amoureux (amoureuse) (de qqn) to fall in love (with someone)

22 tomber en panne to break down (vehicle) Check these out: –tomber en panne dessence (to run out of gas) –une panne délectricité (a power failure) –dépanner (to repair) –un dépanneur (a repairman) –une dépanneuse (a tow truck)

23 avoir le coup de foudre pour to fall head over heels in love with

24 OVNI (p. 264) objet volant non-identifié

25 le PC contre limparfait To tell what took place in the past, you often need to use both the PC and the imparfait.

26 le PC You use the PC to tell what happened. Elle a eu un accident. Nous avons joué au tennis.

27 le PC Words that usually signal the PC (words that indicate a specific moment in the past) include: –soudain (suddenly) –tout à coup (suddenly) –au moment où (just when) Tout à coup, on est tombés en panne.

28 le PC Words that tell in what order events happened often signal the PC as well: –dabord –puis –ensuite Dabord, on a rencontré létudiant américain.

29 limparfait You use the imparfait, –to describe how people or things were in the past. Quand elle avait cinq ans, elle était pénible

30 limparfait You use the imparfait, –to talk about repeated actions in the past, to tell what used to happen. Quand javais huit ans, je faisais toujours des bêtises.

31 limparfait You use the imparfait, –to describe general conditions in the past, to set the scene. Il était deux heures de laprès-midi ; il faisait beau.

32 limparfait Words that indicate a repeated action usually signal the imparfait. –toujours –dhabitude –tous les jours –souvent –de temps en temps On allait souvent au théâtre.

33 limparfait Je jouais du piano. –I played the piano. –I would play the piano. –I used to play the piano. All these imply that playing the piano took place often and over an indefinite period of time.

34 limparfait dêtre The imparfait of être means was or were and the imperfect of other verbs sometimes means was / were + verb + ing. –Ma mère travaillait. –My mother was working.

35 Note culturelle (p. 264) In France, exaggerated stories, or tall tales, are called des histoires marseillaises.

36 Note culturelle (p. 264) Just as people from certain parts of the United States have a reputationtrue or notfor exaggerating stories, people from Provence, particularly from the city of Marseilles, are known for their improbable tales.

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