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Parents’ Meeting Year Six 25th September Mrs Holly. Mrs Bell

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1 Parents’ Meeting Year Six 25th September 2018. Mrs Holly. Mrs Bell
Parents’ Meeting Year Six 25th September Mrs Holly Mrs Bell Mrs Berry

2 Meet the Team! Cedar – Mrs Berry (M,Tu,W) Hawthorn – Mrs Holly
Mrs Bell ( W,Th,F) Hawthorn – Mrs Holly Mrs Gee , Mrs Bone, Mrs Bhanot, Mr Williams

3 Dates for your diary Imperial War Museum trip – Thursday 27th September Open morning – Wednesday 10th October, smart uniform. Hawthorn class assembly – Friday 12th October School closed for INSET – Mon 30th October Bikeability – w/c 15th October (Hawthorn) w/c 12th November (Cedar) Half term Friday 19th October (return Tuesday 30th October) Cedar Class assembly – Friday 9th November Christmas Carol Concert – Tuesday 18th December (tbc) Break up Wednesday 19th December (return Friday 4th January) Key Stage 2 SATs – w/c13th May 2019 Residential trip to Bude (Sunday 23rd-28th June 2019)


5 Homework Reading: Minimum 20 minutes 3 times a week
Spellings – handed out at the beginning of each term, test on Monday Maths homework (Thursday for Monday) English or CfL homework (Thursday for Monday unless otherwise stated e.g. autobiography project) Learning their times tables is essential Homework club runs on a Thursday lunchtime – ICT suite/ classroom MathsWatch

6 Homework Diary For homework to be written in A record of reading
Team raffle tickets For school reminders Needs to be checked by a parent/guardian and signed Collected on Mondays These are a vital form of communication. Please feel free to write notes in here as well.

7 Responsibilities High expectations – challenging ourselves Role models
Team Captains Responsibility for own homework: completing it and handing it in on time Responsible for ensuring bag is packed with everything they need for their day: homework diary, reading book, PE kit, socks, trainers that fit, swimming kit, pencil case (inc. scissors and glue sticks), coat/jumpers (packed lunches outside). All named. No jewellery – please wait until summer holidays for ear-piercing (Bude). Roll-on deodorant. Inhalers (parents are not responsible for checking lockers or changing rooms) All good practice for secondary school!

8 Organisational Issues
PE at least twice a week, currently swimming, games and indoor fitness. Water bottles Illness/injury – if your child is unable to participate in PE, please write this in the diary If your child is absent, please inform the office It is very important that your child arrives at school on time. It allows them to organise themselves properly Mobile phones. Collected and handed out at the end of the day by Team Captains. Please discuss with your child responsible times to use a phone in the evening and appropriate use.

9 Special Educational Needs (SEND)
We are here to ensure that your child is happy and well supported at school. If you are concerned about your child’s progress, please see one of us in the first instance. Your child’s teacher may seek further advice, or suggest you speak to Mrs. McClure (SEN Co-ordinator). Mrs. McClure is available Tuesday and Thursday and can also be contacted by

10 Tests are based on the 2014 curriculum. Children will sit tests in:
 SATs w/c May 13th Tests are based on the 2014 curriculum. Children will sit tests in: Reading Grammar, punctuation and spelling (usually referred to as ‘SPAG’) Maths: Paper 1 arithmetic, Papers 2 and 3 Problem Solving There is no test for Writing; this is teacher assessed throughout the year.

11 SATs When results are reported in July they will say whether or not your child has met the expected standard in each subject. A ‘scaled score’ is also reported (a score of 100 or more indicates the child has met the expected standard).

12 Growth Mindset Children constantly amaze and surprise us with what they can achieve, and we encourage all children to approach their learning in a positive way, with a ‘growth mindset’ If children have a fixed idea about what they can do or their intelligence, they are far less likely to make progress. Praise children’s effort, hard work, persistence, and resilience. If they say they can’t do something, make sure they add the word ‘yet’

13 Transition to Year 7 Hinchley Wood Open Evening on Wednesday 26th September .6.00pm-8.15pm Open Mornings on Thursday 11th and Tuesday 16th October (book in advance). Esher Church High School Open evening Thursday 4 October 2018 6.00pm – 8.30pm Open mornings on Monday 8 October 2018 , Tuesday 9 October 2018 and Wednesday 10 October 2018 9.30am – 11.00am Please look at secondary school websites for more information. Please let the school office know if your child is attending an open morning at any school.

14 You can apply online for a school place from 1st September 2018
Closing date for secondary applications will be 31st October 2018 but they are happy to receive early applications. Secondary school offer letters will be posted first class on 1st March If you applied online you will be sent an in the evening with the outcome and you can also view your school offer online. You must confirm whether you wish to accept or decline the place you have been offered by 15th March 2019. Appeals must be submitted by 29th March 2018 and will be heard by 18th June 2019.

15 Contact with Staff
If you have a small concern or issue, please use the homework diary or to communicate this. If it needs to be discussed in person, please make an appointment via the office. Please avoid seeing us in the morning before school. However, we are happy to see you at the end of the day when we come out to the playground with the children. There will be an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress in November. If you have any concerns please make an appointment to come and see us before these dates.

16 BUDE 2019 Deposit due Friday 28th September 2018.

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