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The word humorous means a. sad b. funny c. laugh

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1 The word humorous means a. sad b. funny c. laugh
Two Minute Edit The word humorous means a. sad b. funny c. laugh

2 Title: The Skating, Reading Plumber’s Kid
Reading Goal: Questioning Team Cooperation Goal: Explain ideas and tell why. Writing Goal: Write a humorous anecdote Genre: Narrative Author: Min Hs Li

3 Explain your ideas and tell why
Team Cooperation Goal Explain your ideas and tell why

4 Vocabulary surveyed assistance exposed precisely slamming gestured
offended abundance

5 surveyed: looked over, studied
The foreman surveyed the whole site, looking at the work his construction workers had done.

6 assistance: help, aid, support
People in trouble often get assistance from all kinds of nice people.

7 exposed: made bare, showed
John shaved off the new coat of paint and exposed the old color beneath.

8 precisely: exactly I knew precisely what I wanted, so I didn’t waste any time in the grocery store.

9 slamming: hitting hard
The rocks were slamming into the ground during the landslide.

10 gestured: made a motion with one’s hands
My friend Brian gestured to me from across the room, so I walked over to him.

11 offended: hurt, insulted
Pedro was offended when his brother called him a name.

12 abundance: high level, plenty
We have an abundance of fruit because of the huge orchard in the back yard.

13 Review Vocabulary with Partner
Can you say it? Can you define it? Can you say it in a sentence?

14 Vocabulary Vault

15 Build Background Manual page 115-116
Read 115 ask questions: What was Maggie trying to find? Where did the map instruct Maggie to look for the Insect King? Why did Maggie jump into the fountain? When did Maggie remember that Todd had a field trip to the museum? Is Todd older or younger then Maggie? How do you know? Why didn’t Maggie find the Insect King? Do you think Todd is a mean brother? Why or Why not? Was Maggie upset by the joke? Why do you think that? Were you surprised at how the story ended? Why or Why not?

16 LC Manual I am going to read pages 18. After I read each page, I’m going to ask questions to check my understanding. I’ll use questions words to help me think of different kinds of questions to ask.

17 Preview Team Talk Share your questions from Partner Reading and discuss the answer. Select two of your questions to ask your classmates. Include Think questions if possible. Write the answers to your questions. When you answer Think questions, include reasons, evidence from the text. Why does Marlena’s dad laugh after she asks if he can fix the sink? How is the way Marlena’s dad teaches her about plumbing similar to how she teaches Chazz about skateboarding?

18 Partner Read- 15 minutes Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you Read and restate page 20 paragraphs 1-8 Read page 20 paragraphs 9-11 silently Discuss with team words you clarified find vocabulary words

19 Team Discussion-15minutes
Discuss answers to team talk questions Write answers to question 1 - 4

20 Class Discussion What words did your group clarify? TT Discussion
Team Talk Extender Marlena likes plumbing with her father and skateboarding with her friends. What activity do you like to do with family and friends? Why are these people good people good people with whom to enjoy this activity?

21 Vocabulary Meaningful Sentence Practice surveyed exposed
Divide your vocabulary word list with your partner. Choose a word from the list to use in a meaningful sentence. surveyed exposed slamming precisely assistance offended gestured abundance

22 Fluency – 2 min Pg 20

23 Fluency Rubric 100 points Expressiveness Smoothness
Rate and correctness 90 points Smoothness 80 points Rate and correctness 70 points Correctness

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