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Mr. Vasquez AP U.S. Government and Politics

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1 Mr. Vasquez AP U.S. Government and Politics
Agenda august 29-30, 2013 Mr. Vasquez AP U.S. Government and Politics

2 AGENDA OBJECTIVE: SWBAT illustrate their understanding of the U.S. Constitution and analyze major concepts and ideas that affect constitutional topics and relate to checks and balances and separation of powers. DO NOW (5 MIN) Review DO NOW (5 MIN) Amendment Illustration Activity (30 MIN) Presentations (15 MIN) Review PowerPoint (30 MIN) Socratic Seminar (30 MIN)

3 Do NOW (5 min) Describe the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments? Why are they important in the current political system? Why do you think James Madison supported a republican government over a pure democracy? Explain. Why can’t men be “angels” in our government? Explain.

4 Amendment illustration (30 MIN)
Your task is to illustrate an amendment that describes the main points/ideas of the amendment. Make sure to DRAW your interpretation of the AMENDMENT. This can include symbols that represent the amendment you are focusing. Also make sure to include a quick description of the amendment.

5 Socratic seminar (30 MIN)
Our task is to participate in a SOCRATIC SEMINAR that focuses on constitutional topics that include the following: Republican vs. Pure democracy Stop and Frisk Gun Control The First Amendment The Bill of Rights Youth and Politics Marijuana and the Constitution LGBT rights Gender roles The Amendments (27)

6 homework Highlight and annotate reading—”The American Political Tradition.” Answer the following questions and SHOULD be ONE PARAGRAPH for each question: Do you agree with the author’s argument? Why or why not? Provide support evidence. Write a SUMMARY of the reading. Plus, finish highlighting and annotating PowerPoint packet.

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