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Unconditional High Regard Strength-Based Language Share the Space

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2 Unconditional High Regard Strength-Based Language Share the Space


4 Super Brain Yoga

5 At your tables take a few minutes to read the scenario then discuss the questions based on the assigned style

6 Style Spectrum Activity Scenario
You are taking your peer support group on a trip to the Woodbine beaches. You arrive on the beach and everyone is relaxed and feeling good in the sun. One of the members decides to go for a walk on their own soon before it is time to leave and leaves their belongings on the beach with the group. The group waits but as more time goes by they are anxious to leave. The group decides to split up and look for the missing group member. As the search continues, group members become even more anxious and stressed by the situation. Finally the group member is found and everyone heads back to the subway to eventually go their separate ways but due to increased tensions, some group members become further triggered by the ttc, other people, and other group members. Reflect how you can use your given style on the Style Spectrum, to support you in the different stages of this scenario: What can you do to take care of yourself at every stage of this challenge? How can you support the other members of the group? How can you use your own strengths and the strengths of the group?

7 Something that surprised you in this exercise
Walk around the room to different tables to share your findings. Try to talk to as many people as possible to get a different style perspective. Share your name Organization Something that surprised you in this exercise

8 Mindful Self-Compassion Practice

9 Questions?


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