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In our PSHE lessons we have been discussing the causes of frustration and how best to overcome it. In History we have been looking at significant people.

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Presentation on theme: "In our PSHE lessons we have been discussing the causes of frustration and how best to overcome it. In History we have been looking at significant people."— Presentation transcript:

1 In our PSHE lessons we have been discussing the causes of frustration and how best to overcome it.
In History we have been looking at significant people throughout history. We have been learning about knights and their roles and responsibilities. In Maths we have been working on fractions. We can recognise and make a half and quarter. We are marvellous at making equal groups using objects in our environment. In Literacy we have been writing book reviews on the story of Rapunzel by Sarah Gibb. We shared our views and opinions. In Geography we have been using atlases to help identify countries and continents on a world map. March Please ensure your child has their PE kit and appropriate clothing for the weather.

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