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Eklund, M. J. , A. K. Aase, and C. J. Bell. 2018

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1 Eklund, M. J. , A. K. Aase, and C. J. Bell. 2018
Eklund, M. J., A. K. Aase, and C. J. Bell Progressive Photonics: Methods and applications of sequential imaging using visible and non-visible spectra to enhance data-yield and facilitate forensic interpretation of fossils. Journal of Paleontological Techniques 20: 1-36. Figure 14: A fossil gar, Atractosteus simplex (FOBU 788) from the Green River Formation. Fluorescent imagery will not record all human interventions. A, B) In this case, oblique visible-light imagery does a better job illustrating repaired fracture lines, smoothing, and other interventions, than does the UVA image shown in (C). The breaks and repairs in the matrix of this specimen are masked in UV illumination, although stabilizing adhesive on the specimen itself clearly fluoresces in blue. The darker scales all are surrounded by adhesive, reflecting a complex history of preparation and assembly.

2 14A oblique light from top

3 14B oblique light from lower left

4 14C UVA 368nm

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