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Understanding Your Federal Benefits
Cindy Lundquist 1
Annuity Health Insurance Life Insurance What will we discuss?
Eligibility Calculation Survivor election Disability Health Insurance Coverage Cost Life Insurance Page 2
Qualifying for Retirement
Minimum requirements: FERS or CSRS Five (5) years of civilian service CSRS Only Subject to retirement system 1 of 2 years before retirement FERS or CSRS Meet age and length of service requirements Page 3
Age and Service Requirements
Type of Retirement FERS or CSRS Age Years of Service Voluntary Unreduced Both 62 5 60 20 55 30 FERS * *Age for FERS optional retirement is based on date of birth. See next slide.
Age and Service Requirements – FERS
Year of Birth Age Years of Service Born before 1948 55 30 1948 months 1949 months 1950 months 1951 months 1952 months 56 1965 months 1966 months 1967 months 1968 months 1969 months 1970 and later 57 Page 5
Age and Service Requirements
Type of Retirement FERS or CSRS Age Years of Service Involuntary (RIF or Early Out) Both 50 20 Any Age 25 Deferred 62 5 FERS 60 MRA 30 10* *Reduced by 5% for each year you are under 62. Page 6
Reduced Retirement – FERS
“Minimum Retirement Age + 10” Provision Special provision for FERS only MUST Attain minimum retirement age (MRA) Have 10 years of creditable service Reduction 5% for each year under age 62 Permanent reduction Not eligible for supplement Page 7
FERS – What is my MRA? Year of Birth Age Years of Service
Born before 1948 55 30 1948 months 1949 months 1950 months 1951 months 1952 months 56 1965 months 1966 months 1967 months 1968 months 1969 months 1970 and later 57 Page 8
Annuity Computation Page 9
Annuity Computation Two basic factors Average high-3 salary
Total length of service Page 10
FERS Transferees Two Components CSRS FERS Page 11
FERS/CSRS Annuity CSRS component FERS component
Service which CSRS deducted Military service before transferred to FERS Unused sick leave at time of transfer FERS component Service which FERS deducted Military service after transferred to FERS Page 12
Creditable Service Following used for eligibility and calculation of annuity Time from date of hire to separation LWOP—up to 6 months in calendar year OWCP Page 13
Creditable Service Part-time Fully creditable for eligibility but
Prorated for computation Page 14
Deposit Service Period(s) of service with no retirement deductions (example: temporary service) Amount of deposit due Equal to amount that should have been withheld plus Interest Page 15
Credit for Eligibility Credit for Calculation
FERS Deposit Service Non-deduction service before : Credit for Eligibility Credit for Calculation Deposit Made Deposit Not Made Non-deduction service or later, no credit for eligibility or calculation. Page 16
CSRS Deposit Service Non-deduction service before 10-1-1982:
Credit for Eligibility Credit for Calculation Deposit Made Deposit Not Made Note: If deposit not made, annuity reduced by 10% of deposit due Non-deduction service or later: Credit for Eligibility Credit for Calculation Deposit Made Deposit Not Made Page 17
Military Deposit Active duty military service Deposit amount
FERS – 3% of base pay plus interest CSRS – 7% of base pay plus interest Cannot use if receiving military retirement unless: Military retirement waived at time of retirement from federal service Military retirement based on combat-connected disability or service in the reserves Page 18
Credit for Eligibility Credit for Calculation
FERS Military Service Credit for Eligibility Credit for Calculation Deposit Made Deposit Not Made Page 19
CSRS Military Service Hired before 10-1-1982:
Credit for Eligibility Credit for Calculation Deposit Made Deposit Not Made* *Note: Annuity reduced at age 62 if eligible for Social Security Hired or later: Credit for Eligibility Credit for Calculation Deposit Made Deposit Not Made Page 20
FERS Redeposit If— FERS funds withdrawn at termination
Subsequently re-employed Then— Previous employment only used for eligibility if earlier contribution plus interest are not paid Previous employment used for both eligibility and computation if contributions plus interest are paid Page 21
CSRS Redeposit Refunded contribution
Time used for eligibility regardless if redeposit made If refund not made— Separated before , actuarial reduction imposed Separated after , time not used in computation Page 22
Interest Rates Through 12-31-1984 – 3%, thereafter: 1985 13.0% 1996
6.875% 2007 4.875% 1986 11.125% 1997 2008 4.75% 1987 9.0% 1998 6.75% 2009 3.875% 1988 8.375% 1999 6. 75% 2010 3.175% 1989 9.125% 2000 5.875% 2011 2.75% 1990 8.75% 2001 6.375% 2012 2.25% 1991 8.625% 2002 5.5% 2013 1.625% 1992 8.125% 2003 5.0% 2014 1993 7.125% 2004 2015 2.0% 1994 6.25% 2005 4.375% 2016 1995 7.0% 2006 4.125% 2017 1.875% 2018 2.125% Page 23
Total Length of Service
Example: Civilian Service 27 yrs 6 mos 7 days Military Service 3 yrs 9 mos 10 days Total 31 yrs 3 mos 17 days Plus unused sick leave (1061 hrs) 6 mos 3 days Total 31 yrs 9 mos 20 days Page 24
FERS General Formula 1% x years of service x High-3, or
1.1% x years of service x High-3 if retiring at age 62 with 20+ years of service Examples: MRA with 30 years of service = 30% x High-3 Age 62 with 30 years of service = 33% x High-3 Page 25
CSRS General Formula 1.5% x 5 years + 1.75% x 5 years
+ 2.0% x remaining years of service Retirement factor X High-3 Average Salary Annual Annuity Note: Maximum annuity = 80% of high-3 at 41 years 11 months of service. Page 26
CSRS General Formula Example: Age 55 with 30 years of service 1.5% x 5 years = 7.50% % x 5 years = 8.75% + 2.0% x 20 years = 40.00% Retirement factor = 56.25% X High-3 Average Salary Annual Annuity Page 27
CSRS Offset Annuity Who is “CSRS Offset employee?”
Rehired after with more than 1 year break in service Had 5 years of CSRS service before separation Did not transfer to FERS Annuity computed same as CSRS annuitant At age 62, annuity reduced for Social Security If not eligible for Social Security, no reduction Reduction at 62 regardless if you apply for Social Security Reduction less than Social Security check Page 28
FERS Annuity Supplement
Paid by: OPM not Social Security Paid at: MRA with 30 years of service, or age 60 with 20 years, or early out, or discontinued service Paid until: Age 62 Based on: Estimated full career Social Security benefit x years of FERS service divided by 40 Subject to: Social Security earnings limit Not payable: If retirement based on MRA+10, disability, or deferred retirement Page 29
Electing Survivor Benefits
Election made at time of retirement If less than maximum elected— Signed and notarized statement from spouse Cannot change election Exception—no survivor elected can change within 18 months of retirement Page 30
FERS Survivor Election
Amount 50% of basic annuity, or 25% of basic annuity Reduction of annuity 10% if maximum elected 5% if 25% of basic annuity elected Page 31
CSRS Survivor Election
Amount 55% of full annuity 55% of any portion of basic annuity Reduction 2-1/2% of the first $3,600 of annuity plus 10% of amount over $3,600 Page 32
Example of CSRS Election
CSRS annuity = $35,000 Elect maximum survivor election $35,000 x 55% = $19,250 annually Or $1,604 monthly to surviving spouse Annuity reduction $3,600 x 2.5% = $90 $35,000 - $3,600=$31,400 x 10% = $3,140 Total annual reduction = $3,230 (or $ per month) Page 33
Survivor Benefits for Children
FERS Same amount payable for CSRS children Less any amount payable to children by Social Security CSRS Single orphaned - $522 month per child Maximum $1,566 Double orphaned - $627 month per child Maximum $1,881 Page 34
FERS Death in Service 1 2 3 4 Lump sum payment of $33,072.03, plus
With more than 18 months of civilian service 1 Lump sum payment of $33,072.03, plus 2 Lump sum of half of employees pay, plus 3 Any Social Security benefit payable, plus 4 Any Thrift Savings Plan payable Page 35
FERS Death in Service With ten (10) or more years of creditable service, surviving spouse receives: 1 2 3 4 , , , (if payable), plus 5 A survivor annuity equal to 50% of FERS basic annuity at time of death Page 36
CSRS Death in Service Spouse of employee receives 55% of the higher of: Annuity using regular CSRS formula Guaranteed minimum which is lesser of: 40% of deceased High-3 Regular annuity calculated increasing length of service up to age 60 Page 37
Survivor Benefits Starts Day after employee’s or retiree’s death Ends
Spouse/former spouse Remarries before age 55 (unless married 30 years) Death Child(ren) Marries Becomes 18 (22 if full-time student) Recovers from disability Page 38
Disability Retirement
FERS – 18 months of service CSRS – 5 years of service Unable to perform duties Current job or Other vacant job at same grade Page 39
Disability Retirement
FERS Payment CSRS Payment 60% of average High-3 salary for first year Thereafter, 40% of High-3 salary Amount is reduced by Social Security Less than 22 years of service, based on 40% of High-3 salary More than 22 years, computed under general formula Page 40
Date for Voluntary Retirement
FERS Last day of the month CSRS Last day of the month, or 1st, 2nd, or 3rd day of the month Page 41
Processing Your Retirement
OPM Sends acknowledgement Authorizes interim payment Obtains missing documents Determines eligibility Annuity Health insurance Life insurance Computes benefits and sends letters Page 42
After Retirement Changes after retirement contact OPM
(contact after CSA number received) Address: US Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E St NW, Room 1323, Washington, DC 20415 Page 43
Health and Life Insurance
Federal Employees Health Insurance (FEHB) and Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) Page 44
FEHB Eligibility requirements:
Enrolled for at least 5 years prior to retirement CHAMPUS/TRICARE can count towards your 5 years Single or family coverage Covered by a family enrollment Enrolled since first opportunity Page 45
FEHB Coverage and premiums same as employee
At age 65, Medicare is primary Survivors of retirees or employee may continue coverage if: Survivor benefit is payable, and Employee/Retiree enrolled in family plan at time of death Page 46
FEGLI Eligibility requirements:
Enrolled for at least 5 years prior to retirement, or Enrolled since first opportunity Annuity is sufficient to cover costs Elections: Basic coverage Optional coverage (must elect Basic also) Page 47
FEGLI Basic Life Insurance: Annual base pay plus $2,000
If under age 45, an “extra benefit” Amount into retirement based on your election Optional Life Insurance Option A – Additional $10,000 Option B – One, two, three, four or five times basic pay Option C – Family coverage Page 48
Basic Life Insurance Options
75% Reduction Full coverage until 65 Age 65 begins reducing 2% per month 25% payable at death Premium paid from retirement until age 65 50% Age 65 begins reducing 1% per month 50% payable at death Premium payable until death but reduces at age 65 No Full basic insurance payable at death Page 49
Cost of Various Options
Cost per $1,000 of Basic Life Insurance Reduction at age 65 (and retired) Cost before age 65 Cost on and after age 65 (and retired) 75% Reduction $.325 Free 50% Reduction $1.035 $.71 No Reduction $2.455 $2.13 Page 50
Optional Life Insurance
May continue Optional Life Insurance coverage if: Basic elected Enrolled in Optional at least 5 years prior to entitlement Annuity is sufficient to cover costs Page 51
Optional Life Insurance Reductions
Full coverage until 65, coverage decreases at 65 based on elections: Option A Reduces to 25% ($2,500) No premium at 65 Option B Reduces to $0 unless no reduction election Premium age-based Option C Premium based on retiree’s age Not free if no reduction elected Page 52
Cost of Optional Insurance
Age Group Option A Standard $10,000 Option B Additional per $1,000 Option C Family per $5,000 Multiple Under age 35 $0.43 $0.043 $0.48 35 through 39 $0.65 $0.065 $0.59 40 through 44 $0.87 $0.087 $0.89 45 through 49 $1.52 $0.152 $1.28 50 though 54 $2.38 $0.238 $1.99 55 through 59 $4.33 $0.433 $3.21 60 through 64 $13.00 $0.953 $5.85 65 though 69 FREE $1.17+ $6.80+ Page 53
Living Benefits – Lump Sum
Lump-sum payment payable if: Terminally ill Documentation of life expectancy 9 months or less Lump-sum payment equal to Basic Retiree’s amount reduced based on post-65 election Eligible employees (not retirees) may elect partial payment Decision is irrevocable Page 54
Who receives my life insurance?
Designated beneficiary (SF-2823) Widow or widower Children Parents Executor, Administrator of Estate Next of kin Page 55
Do You Have Any Questions?
Placeholder, enter your own text here Page 56
Disclaimer This presentation is provided for educational purposes only. Please contact Office of Personnel Management, the Thrift Savings Plan Board, the Social Security Administration, or your financial representative for advice. Page 57
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