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Early Career Faculty Forum

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1 Early Career Faculty Forum
Honors and Awards Larry Gragg Co-Chair, CAFE Curators Professor of History and Political Science Wayne Huebner Chair, CAFE Professor of Materials Science & Engineering presentation to the Early Career Faculty Forum January 30th, 2019

2 Do Honors & Awards Matter? Internal Awards External Awards
Overview Do Honors & Awards Matter? Internal Awards External Awards

3 Do Honors & Awards Matter?
Yes ! A highly visible way to recognize excellence in, and sustained contributions to: Teaching Research Service Entrepreneurism Recognition for service to Professional societies Honor Societies Funding agencies / Refereed Journals Several components of the Missouri S&T Strategic Plan highlight the pursuit of honors and awards

4 C. Improve the quality of first-year experience Initial Tactics
Missouri S&T Strategic Plan C. Improve the quality of first-year experience Initial Tactics Implement award program for faculty champions of first-year student success Unit Owner: Provost, Vice Provosts, CAFE

5 Missouri S&T Strategic Plan
Promote teaching excellence through mentorship and programs that enrich the quality and effectiveness of teaching Initial Tactics Identify and pursue external teaching honors and awards through the faculty external rewards and recognition committee Metrics Number of unique awardees for internal teaching excellence (CET Outstanding Teaching Awards, Campus Teaching Awards, Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professors, System Awards) Number of external teaching awards Unit Owner: Provost, CAFE, University Advancement Missouri S&T Strategic Plan

6 Missouri S&T Strategic Plan
C. Increase number of faculty recipients of national awards and recognition Initial Tactics Recruit and hire highest quality junior-level faculty and provide support to jump start their careers Department chairs analyze which faculty should be nominated for specific awards/honors The Faculty External Rewards and Recognition Committee coordinates and monitors the pursuit of these awards at the departmental level, and is in charge of nominations for the National Academy Metrics New faculty hires to include CAREER, NEH and other award winners pre-tenure at S&T 10 faculty recipients of nationally recognized awards (e.g. National Academies) by 2023 5 people per year made Fellows, 5 people per year receive professional society awards by 2023 Unit Owner: Chairs, Provost Missouri S&T Strategic Plan

7 President’s Awards for
University of Missouri System Awards President’s Awards for Economic Development Excellence (Early & Sustained Career) Faculty Engagement Innovative Teaching Inter-Campus Collaboration University Citizenship (Leadership & Service) Entrepreneurship Educator of the Year Award C. Brice Ratchford Memorial Fellowship Award Thomas Jefferson Award

8 Faculty Achievement Award Faculty Excellence Award Faculty Research
Missouri S&T Awards Faculty Achievement Award Faculty Excellence Award Faculty Research Faculty Service Award Faculty Teaching Award Outstanding Teaching Award Woman of the Year Award Experiential Learning Award Service Learning Award Outstanding Contributions to Graduate Studies CEC Dean’s Scholar / Educator Scholar Awards

9 Alumni Association Awards
Missouri S&T Honors and Awards Named Professors Curators’ Professor Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor Alumni Association Awards Alumni Achievement Alumni Merit Robert V. Wolf Alumni Service Distinguished Young Alumni Frank H. Mackaman Alumni Volunteer Service Class of '42 Excellence in Teaching

10 Outstanding Professor Awards
Missouri S&T Departmental Honors and Awards Outstanding Professor Awards Departmental Greek Organizations Advisor of the Year Student Groups Lecture Series

11 External Honors and Awards
Different “scale levels” – the National Academy of Sciences serves a clearing house for honors, awards and recognitions Highly Prestigious vs. Prestigious Hundreds of organizations & endowments Professional Societies Fellow Status Named lecture series Medals Young/Junior Awards (focused on new professionals) Funding Agencies Young Investigator / Career Awards Journals Outstanding reviewer Editor / co-Editor Status

12 The National Academies Maintain a Database of Awards & Honors
292 Awards in the Arts & Humanities 182 Awards in Social Sciences 578 Awards in the Physical Sciences and Engineering 341 Awards in the Life Sciences 1393 Total

13 Examples of Highly Prestigious Awards in Social & Behavioral Sciences (24 Total)
MacArthur Fellow MacArthur Foundation Nobel Peace Prize Nobel Foundation National Academy of Sciences Member National Academy of Sciences Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Woodrow Wilson Intl. Center for Scholars Guggenheim Fellowship John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Talcott Parsons Prize American Academy of Arts and Sciences The Founders Award American Academy of Arts and Sciences Member John Frederick Lewis Award American Philosophical Society Thomas Jefferson Medal for Achievement in the Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences Benjamin Franklin Medal John Bates Clark Medal American Economic Association The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economics Crafoord Prize Royal Swedish Academy of Science Wolf Prize Wolf Foundation Member of National Academy of Education National Academy of Education National Medal of Science National Science Foundation Gold Medal Award for Life Achievement in the Science of Psychology American Psychological Association

14 Examples of Highly Prestigious Awards in Life Sciences (54 Total)
Alexander Hollaender Award in Biophysics National Academy of Sciences Award in Molecular Biology The Amory Prize American Academy of Arts and Sciences Theodosius Dobzhansky Prize Society for the Study of Evolution W. S. Cooper Award Ecological Society of America Eli Lilly and Company Research Award American Society for Microbiology Mead Johnson Award American Society for Nutrition Award in Neurosciences Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience Society for Neuroscience Walter B. Cannon Award Lectureship American Physiological Society Adolph E. Gude, Jr. Award American Society of Plant Biologists Senior von Humboldt Fellowship* Alexander von Humboldt Foundation* Vannevar Bush Award National Science Foundation Nobel Prize Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Wolf Prize- Agriculture, Medicine Wolf Foundation Crafoord Prize Alan T. Waterman Award Philip Hauge Abelson Prize American Assoc. for the Adv. of Science The Beckman Scholars Program Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Stockholm Water Prize Stockholm Water Foundation

15 Examples of Highly Prestigious Awards in Physical Sciences & Engineering (73 Total)
NAS Award in Aeronautical Engineering National Academy of Sciences Norbert Wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics American Mathematical Society Henry Norris Russell Lectureship American Astronomical Society Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ Prize National Academy of Engineering NAS Award in Chemical Sciences Priestley Medal American Chemical Society Thompson Medal, Mary Clark Charles Stark Draper Prize Gordon Prize Fields Medal International Mathematical Union Gibbs Brothers Medal ASME Medal* American Society of Mechanical Engineers* Comstock Prize in Physics Academy Members/ Fellows American Academy of Arts and Sciences National Medal of Science National Science Foundation Nobel Prize Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences National Inventors Hall of Fame National Inventors Hall of Fame Foundation The Rumford Prize Benjamin Franklin Medal American Philosophical Society Guggenheim Fellows John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

16 Examples of Highly Prestigious Awards in Arts & Humanities (62 Total)
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships American School of Classical Studies at Athens Harry Levin Prize American Comparative Literature Association Emerson-Thoreau Medal American Academy of Arts and Sciences James Russell Lowell Prize Modern Language Association Nobel Prize in Literature Swedish Academy Pulitzer Prize The Pulitzer Board Talcott Parsons Prize Frederick Jackson Turner Award Organization of American Historians Parkman Prize Society of American Historians American Academy of Arts and Sciences Members Jacques Barzun Prize in Cultural History American Philosophical Society Guggenheim Fellow John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation MacArthur Fellows MacArthur Foundation National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship National Endowment for the Humanities National Endowment for the Humanities Faculty Research Award Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship Rockefeller Foundation Sidney Hook Memorial Award Phi Beta Kappa Society

17 How can you help? Pursue excellence!
Consider what awards you may be eligible for, and let your Chair /departmental awards committee / colleagues know. Don’t be bashful – leaders need help too. Be cognizant of deadlines - the nomination package for many awards requires letters of support. These may take months to prepare. Be aware of others, and know what awards they may be eligible for.

18 Questions?

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