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Year 4 2019 Summer Term.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 4 2019 Summer Term."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 4 2019 Summer Term

2 What happens to the food that we eat?
Literacy Fiction – Play scripts Non-Fiction – Persuasive Texts Poetry – Exploring Forms Guided Reading - Wonder Decimals Money Time Statistics Properties of Shape Position and Direction Numeracy What happens to the food that we eat? Teeth Science

3 I.C.T. PSHE Geography History Art Is money important?
Is it ok to feel this way? We are software developers We are Meteorologists I.C.T. Why is Manchester such a cool place to live? Geography History Who were the early law makers? Art 3D art using clay

4 R.E. Design & Technology P.E. Music Italian
Journeys and pilgrimage – Judaism A look at the beliefs, stories and way of life for the Judaism religion. The digestive system – healthy and varied diet Design & Technology Athletics – Showing the Olympians how to do it and smashing our personal bests! Swimming – At Urmston leisure centre – basics and life saving skills. P.E. Music Body percussion and Sing Up. Speaking and listening – Practical activities for a wide range of key vocabulary. Italian

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