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class news Miss Jackson’s A Note from the Teacher

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1 class news Miss Jackson’s A Note from the Teacher
Week of August 29th A Note from the Teacher What’s Happening in... If you haven’t sent in snacks, supply fees, school paperwork, or supplies please send them in soon. Help your child learn their lunch pin number. I sent home a sheet with their lunch # to practice. If you are sending in lunch/breakfast money put it in a baggie or envelope with their first and last name and lunch pin on it and put it in their folder. Please put all notes in your child’s folder. Reminder to send in carnival donations for the raffle basket we are making. The theme is a “dog basket”. Don’t forget to clean out your child’s red folder each night to make sure you don’t miss any important papers. Help your child practice writing their name. Teach them to make the first letter capital and the rest of the letters lowercase. Reminder to send in your child’s money and permission slip for the pumpkin farm. You can leave your child’s blanket/towel at home because we will no longer be taking a rest time at school. Letter recognition – quick intro to letters A, E , T, G, N with handwriting practice Sight Words – I, am Math - counting, numbers, making groups of 1,2,3,4,5 Dates to remember September 5th- No School (Labor Day) September 9th- Midterm 1st Quarter School/ Fall Carnival 5:30-8:30 October 6th- Parent/Teacher Conferences October 11th- Parent/Teacher Conferences October 14th- End of 1st Quarter Thank You, Miss Jackson

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