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Faith Colburn WGST492 Final project.

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Presentation on theme: "Faith Colburn WGST492 Final project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faith Colburn WGST492 Final project

2 Introduction Started at cSUF in Fall ‘16
Added women and gender studies during first semester Took 205: Women and Globalization in spring ‘17 Introduction

3 What Women & Gender studies means to me
Sense of community An escape A safe place Intersectionality

4 The importance of WGST Connects us to the world around us
Helps us to make sense of the craziness Applicable to every career and identity The importance of WGST

5 Greatest take away from WGST
Intersectional world view My identity and sexuality are valid I am not alone My story matters Greatest take away from WGST

6 How will I use these ideas?
Scaffold my previous understandings of intersecting identities Understand that I am not alone Combat ignorance Stand up for myself and others How will I use these ideas?

7 How will I use these ideas? (cont.)
Running for political office Grassroots/field organizing Advocacy Bringing intersectionality to my future classes and career How will I use these ideas? (cont.)

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