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We will read and write multi-digit numbers.

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1 We will read and write multi-digit numbers.
Learning Objective We will read and write multi-digit numbers. What are we going to do? CFU Activate Prior Knowledge Read each number aloud. A. 782 B. 954 “Seven hundred eighty-two.” “Nine hundred fifty-four.” Students, you already know how to read three-digit numbers. Now, we will read multi-digit numbers. Make Connection

2 , 4 5 9 2 8 7 Place Value (654321) Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
Concept Development Place value: The place is the position1 of a digit in a number. The value is the worth of the digit due to its position. A period is a group of three consecutive2 digits separated by a comma. Each period has a ones, tens, and hundreds place. Numbers are read one period at a time. Animated Place Value (654321) 4 5 9 2 8 7 Ones Tens Hundreds Thousands Ten Thousands Hundred Thousands , Thousands Period Ones Period In the number 831,507, which digits are in the thousands period? How do you know? A 1 B 507 C 831 Explain the difference between a digit and a period in a number. In your own words, what is place value? Place value is __________. CFU “Seven hundred eighty-two thousand, “Seven hundred eighty-two thousand, nine hundred fifty-four.” nine hundred fifty-four.” 1 location 2 in order without interruptions Vocabulary

3 , Place Value Ones Tens Hundreds Thousands 1 7 2, 5 6 3 6 5 4, 2 3 9
Skill Development/Guided Practice Place value: The place is the position of a digit in a number. The value is the worth of the digit due to its position. A period is a group of three consecutive digits separated by a comma. Each period has a ones, tens, and hundreds place. Place Value Ones Tens Hundreds Thousands Ten Thousands Hundred Thousands , Thousands Period Ones Period How did I/you identify the thousands period? How did I/you identify the ones period? How did I/you read the number? CFU 1 2 3 Identify3 the thousands period. (write) Identify the ones period. (write) Read the number aloud. Hint: Start with the period in the highest place value. Read multi-digit numbers. 1 2 3 1. 2. 3. 4. thousands ones thousands ones 1 7 2, 5 6 3 6 5 4, 2 3 9 “One hundred seventy-two thousand, “Six hundred fifty-four thousand, five hundred sixty-three.” two hundred thirty-nine.” thousands ones thousands ones 9 3 6, 7 5 0 3 9 0, 5 2 6 “Nine hundred thirty-six thousand, “Three hundred ninety thousand, seven hundred fifty.” five hundred twenty-six.” 3 find (synonym) Vocabulary

4 Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued)
Place value: The place is the position of a digit in a number. The value is the worth of the digit due to its position. A period is a group of three consecutive digits separated by a comma. Each period has a ones, tens, and hundreds place. How did I/you identify the thousands period? How did I/you identify the ones period? How did I/you read the number? CFU 1 2 3 Identify the thousands period. (write) Identify the ones period. (write) Read the number aloud. Hint: Start with the period in the highest place value. Read multi-digit numbers. 1 2 3 5. 6. 7. 8. thousands ones thousands ones 9 2, 7 1 3 3 3, 4 2 7 “Ninety-two thousand, “Thirty-three thousand, seven hundred thirteen.” four hundred twenty-seven.” thousands ones thousands ones 4 0 5, 6 1 8 5 1 6, 1 0 8 “Four hundred five thousand, “Five hundred sixteen thousand, six hundred eighteen.” one hundred eight.”

5 1. “Three hundred fifty-six thousand, two hundred thirty-two.”
Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued) How did I/you determine what the question is asking? How did I/you determine the math concept required? How did I/you determine the relevant information? How did I/you solve and interpret the problem? How did I/you check the reasonableness of the answer? CFU 2 1 3 4 5 Write each number. 1. “Three hundred fifty-six thousand, two hundred thirty-two.” _______________ 2. “Two-hundred thirteen thousand, seven hundred forty-seven.” 3. “Ten thousand, seven hundred ninety-seven.” 4. “Four hundred fifty-nine thousand, five hundred two.” 356, 232 213, 747 10, 797 459, 502

6 Relevance Place value: The place is the position of a digit in a number. The value is the worth of the digit due to its position. A period is a group of three consecutive digits separated by a comma. Each period has a ones, tens, and hundreds place. 1 Reading and writing multi-digit numbers will help you understand very large numbers in the real world. “The median income in California in 2009 was fifty-eight thousand, nine hundred thirty-one dollars. This number has dropped over two thousand dollars from 2008.” 2 Reading and writing multi-digit numbers will help you do well on tests. Sample Test Question: 13. Which number below reads “five hundred thirty-two thousand, six hundred seven?” A 532,670 B 532,607 C 607,532 D 532,067 Does anyone else have another reason why it is relevant to read and write multi-digit numbers? (Pair-Share) Why is it relevant to read and write multi-digit numbers? You may give one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is more relevant to you? Why? CFU

7 Place value: The place is the position of a digit in a number.
The value is the worth of the digit due to its position. A period is a group of three consecutive digits separated by a comma. Each period has a ones, tens, and hundreds place. Skill Closure Identify the thousands period. (write) Identify the ones period. (write) Read the number aloud. Hint: Start with the period in the highest place value. Read multi-digit numbers. 1 2 3 1. 2. thousands ones thousands ones 5 9 4, 1 6 3 3 0 8, 2 1 4 “Five hundred ninety-four thousand, “Three hundred eight thousand, Word Bank place value period consecutive digit one hundred sixty-three.” two hundred fourteen.” Access Common Core Bradley read the number 175,380 as “one hundred seventy-five thousand, three hundred eight.” Is he correct? Explain your answer. Bradley is incorrect. He read the tens place incorrectly. It should be one hundred seventy-five thousand, three hundred and eighty. Summary Closure What did you learn today about reading and writing multi-digit numbers? (Pair-Share) Use words from the word bank.

8 Independent Practice Place value: The place is the position of a digit in a number. The value is the worth of the digit due to its position. A period is a group of three consecutive digits separated by a comma. Each period has a ones, tens, and hundreds place. Identify the thousands period. (write) Identify the ones period. (write) Read the number aloud. Hint: Start with the period in the highest place value. Read multi-digit numbers. 1 2 3 1. 2. 3. 4. thousands ones thousands ones 8 4 2, 2 1 5 3 4 4, 8 6 0 “Eight hundred forty-two thousand, “Three hundred forty-four thousand, two hundred fifteen.” eight hundred sixty.” thousands ones thousands ones 5 3, 9 2 8 9 0 7, 4 3 2 “Fifty-three thousand, “Nine hundred seven thousand, nine hundred twenty-eight.” four hundred thirty-two.” Application Write each number. S: “Three hundred twenty-five thousand, three hundred six.” _______________ S: “Forty-nine thousand, eighty-eight.” _______________ 325, 306 49, 088

9 Periodic Review 1 Read multi-digit numbers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6 5, 1 2 4 2 0 5, 2 4 7 “Five hundred sixty-five thousand, “Two hundred five thousand, one hundred twenty-four.” two hundred forty-seven.” 6 2 0, 8 3 9 5 6, 3 0 9 “Six hundred twenty thousand, “Fifty-six thousand, eight hundred thirty-nine.” three hundred nine.” Access Common Core Read the sentence to your partner. Make sure each number is read correctly. 1. The diameter of Earth is 12,756 kilometers. 2. The average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 238,900 miles. 3. The diameter of Saturn is 120,536 kilometers. 4. The diameter of Jupiter is 142,984 kilometers.

10 Periodic Review 2 Read multi-digit numbers. 1. 2. 4 7 7, 2 4 8 2 7 7, 7 5 4 “Four hundred seventy-seven thousand, “Two hundred seventy-seven thousand, two hundred forty-eight.” seven hundred fifty-four.” Access Common Core Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the following numbers were read correctly. 1. O Yes O No 750,322 “Seventy-five thousand, three hundred twenty-two”  80,760 “Eighty-thousand, seventy-six”  2. O Yes O No 952,735 “Nine hundred fifty-two thousand, seven hundred thirty-five”  3. O Yes O No 240,584 “Two hundred forty thousand, five hundred eighty-four”  4. O Yes O No 149,526 “One hundred forty-nine, five hundred twenty-six”  5. O Yes O No 816,225 “Two hundred twenty-five thousand, eight hundred sixteen”  6. O Yes O No

11 Periodic Review 3 Read multi-digit numbers. 1. 2. 8 3 3, 9 2 0 6 7, 5 8 6 “Eight hundred thirty-three thousand, “Sixty-seven thousand, nine hundred twenty.” five hundred eighty-six.” Access Common Core Write three multidigit numbers to the hundred thousands place. Read each of the numbers you have written aloud. 456,281 “Four hundred fifty-six thousand, two hundred eighty-one.”

12 EDI – Cognitive, Teaching, and English Learner Strategies
Learning Objective: We will read and write multi-digit numbers. Cognitive Strategies Teaching Strategies Elaboration Demonstration Language Strategies Targeted Vocabulary Academic position, consecutive, identify Content place value, period Support Vocabulary Strategy Multiple-Meaning Synonym identify Definition position, consecutive, place value, period Homophone Internal Context Clue Listen, Speak Similar Sounds Read Tracked Reading Write Writing Content Access Strategies Comprehensible Input Cognates Contextual Clues Graphic Organizer Contextualized Definitions Pictures

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