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Mrs Midas.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs Midas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs Midas

2 Summary Summarise this poem in 25 words
Mrs Midas is about a woman dealing with her husband’s wish to turn everything gold. This causes her to feel mixed emotions and the marriage to end.

3 Speaker/Structure of the poem
List 3 things we learn about the speaker of this poem: Her husband turns everything gold, she wanted a child, she kicks him out, but misses him How do the speaker’s feelings change?: She is relaxed, becomes confused, then angry and upset and sad at the end when she misses her husband Why is this important?: It makes her seem more realistic, gives detail about her character, makes her relatable

4 Themes Pick 3 themes: Love, Loss, Relationships, Destruction…
How are they developed in the poem? Pick at least 1 quotation for each theme

5 Quotations Pick 5 quotations: “we were passionate then in those halcyon days” Identify 2 techniques used in each quotation: word choice, use of plural pronoun “we” Explain literal and deeper meaning of the technique: Literally means that before his wish they had a loving relationship. It has the deeper meaning of a time that was peaceful and ideal which is now lost for the couple What effect does it create? This creates the effect that their relationship is over and will never be the same. Their “honeymoon period” is in the past and something that can never be regained. They have lost their connection.

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