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Registration Process:

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2 Registration Process:
Starting later this week, we will be meeting with all Reagan students in a group setting. Starting February 12, we are meeting one-on-one with students through math classes. Similar process at middle schools. Our feeder schools do an excellent job working with rising 9th graders. Course Placement/Recommendations Objectively make placement based on test scores and grades Also provide teacher recommendations Parents have “choice” Teachers as a resource – do the homework

3 Future-Ready Core Course of Study
4 English 4 math 4 social studies 4 science 2 PE/Dance/Health/LMS 2 electives (electives must be any combination of Career Technical Education, Arts Education or Second Language) 2 additional electives (from CTE, JROTC, Arts Education or any other subject area) Total = 22 credits

4 Standard Courses Reading Comprehension Adequate writing skills Some critical thinking More teacher directed activities More structure Honors Courses Seminar Courses Good critical analysis skills Divergent/independent thinker Good writing skills Strong writing skills Good reading comprehension Self-motivated Some note taking skills Mastered note taking Independent worker Enjoys learning Problem solver Pulls weight in group setting More frequent tests Handles large “chunks” May have fewer assignments 4

5 Advanced Placement is difficult
Mature Self-motivated Independent/divergent thinker Excellent critical analysis skills Mastered note taking Extensive reading – may be over 30 pages per day. Strong reading comprehension Assignments cover large chunks of material Excellent writing skills Must take the AP exam Can you read 30 pages a night and outline a chapter? Do you have the discipline to keep up with outside reading? Are you prepared to spend up to two hours/night on one course? Can you answer lengthy essay questions on tests? 5

6 Frequently Asked Questions
Should my student take an AP course as a 9th grader? If my student gets “in over his/her head,” what is the process for changing courses? Why can’t my student change his/her mind over the summer about course selections?

7 Registration of Students attending Independent/Homeschool
Students who are attending an independent or homeschool should contact Ms. Johnson in Student Services at to receive information regarding the registration process. Please call in mid-March. Ms. Johnson will set up meetings for students to register for next year.

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