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Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC)

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1 Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression (MSCC)

2 Definition “MSCC is compression of the dural sac and its contents by an extradural tumour mass in the epidural space, either at the level of the spinal cord or cauda equina.” Drudge-Coates and Rajbabu, 2008

3 Caused by… OR Irreversible neurological damage ensues with resulting paraplegia. (Levack et al, 2002).

4 Primary tumours of the SC
Background Metastases to the SC occur in 3-5% of all patients with Cancer with… Known lung Metastases Primary tumours of the SC 50% of cases Prostate Breast Lung RISK NICE, 2008 & Schiff, 2003

5 Bowel & bladder dysfunction
Clinical Features Clinical Features Pain Motor Deficits Sensory Deficits Bowel & bladder dysfunction Schiff, 2003

6 Early Δ & Rx are KEY Early recognition & reporting of symptoms
Swift referral pathways Appropriate investigations Prompt Rx NICE, 2008

7 Levack et al (2001) found that 77% of patients diagnosed with SCC had an established Δ of cancer, whereas 23% presented with SCC as the first presentation of malignancy.

8 Outpatient Physiotherapists must have their ears open to the following…
Progressive &/or severe unremitting LBP Pain in upper or middle spine Back pain aggravated by straining, coughing or sneezing Localised tenderness over spine Back pain at night Brooks, 1998

9 Neuro S&S: Radicular pain, limb weakness, ↓mobility, sensory loss, bladder/bowel dysfunction
NICE, 2008

10 Physiotherapy and Cancer Care
Within Cancer Care, Dietz (1981) identified 4 levels of rehabilitation: ↓ the potential disabilities through educational, physical and psychological interventions Preventive ↓ or eliminate disease through Rx & return to previous levels of functioning Restorative Adapt to disabilities & disease Supportive Palliative Maintain a good QoL through the minimization of complications

11 The Association of Physiotherapists in Oncology and Palliative Care
The aim of the physiotherapist is to assist these individuals to minimize some of the effects which the disease or its treatment has on them (ACPOPC, 1993 as cited in Bancroft, 2003)

12 NICE Guidelines findings regarding PT availability for MSCC Patients
CCs 48% SSUs: 48% PCDs: 56% PT and OT availability Access to specialist PT Daily PT OT Referral to specialist rehab services CCs 63% SSUs: 81% PCDs: 59% CCs 63% SSUs: 76% CCs 93% SSUs: 90%

13 SUHT Management Guidelines
Immediate Inform Doctor regarding anyone with suspected/at risk of MSCC Complete bed rest –nurse flat until spinal stability confirmed Dexamethasone: 16mg/day Emergency MRI or CT if MRI unavailable Urgent referral to clinical oncologist & D/W neuro/spinal surgical team Paraplegia present < 24 hours, regardless of onset Surgical decompression if possible If not, Radiotherapy Established paraplegia Pressure area care Catheter Regulation of bowel activity; use regular enemas or suppositories PT and OT input Psychological readjustment PCT Ax is recommended for Mx and/or rehab SUHT, 2007

14 Key NICE Recommendations
Service configuration and urgency of treatment Early detection Imaging Treatment of spinal metastases and MSCC Supportive care and rehabilitation NICE, 2008

15 Recommendations with significant costs : estimated annual incremental costs resulting from ↑ in surgical activity for treatment & prevention of MSCC £14,023 Recommendations with significant savings: supportive care and rehabilitation post discharge of patients £ -17,513 Net resource impact of MSCC guideline £ -3,490

16 References Bancroft, M.I., Physiotherapy in Cancer Care: a theoretical approach (2003). Physiotherapy. 89, 12: Brooks, C. Radiation Therapy: Guidelines for Physiotherapist (1998). Physiotherapy. Vol. 84 (8): Dietz, J.H. (1981) Rehabilitation Oncology, John Wiley, New York Drudge-Coates, L. and Rajbabu, K. Diagnosis and management of malignant spinal cord compression: part 1 (2008). Int. J. of Palliative Nursing. Vol. 14 (3): Loblaw DA, Perry J, Chambers A, Laperriere NJ (2005) Systematic review of the diagnosis and management of malignant extradural spinal cord compression: the Cancer Care Ontario Practice Guidelines Initiative's Neuro-Oncology Disease Site Group. Journal of Clinical Oncology 23: 2028–2037 NICE Clinical Guideline 75. Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression: Diagnosis and management of adults at risk of and with metastatic spinal cord compression (2008). Schiff, D. Spinal Cord Compression (2003). Neurol. Clin. N. Am. 21: 67-86 The Palliative Care Handbook: Advice on Clinical Management (6th Ed.) CMH, SUHT (2007).

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