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Presentation on theme: "DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES"— Presentation transcript:

MPUMALANGA PROVINCE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Health Services: Vote 10 Public Hearings on Conditional Grants and Capital Expenditure Presentation to the Select Committee on Finance 11 May 2007 "Siyanakekela"

2 TABLE OF CONTENETS Budget and Expenditure Outcomes on Conditional Grants Budget and Expenditure Outcomes on Capital Budget Monitoring capacity for the financial year 2006/07

3 Budget and Expenditure Outcomes on Conditional Grants

4 Budget and Expenditure Outcomes: Conditional Grants
Conditional Grant Name 2006/07 Adjusted Budget Funds Received Pre-audited Amount spent 31 March 2007 Pre-audited Variance 31 March 2007 Pre-audited % spent 31 March 2007 % Spent 31 March 2006 % Spent 31 March 2005 % Increase/decrease from 05/06 to 2006/07 % Increase/decrease from 04/05 to 2006/07 % Increase/decrease from 04/05 to 2005/06 R’000 % Comprehensive HIV/AIDS 107,709 110,709 100% 86% 14% 0% National Tertiary Services 45,571 93% 96% 7% 4% (3%) Health Professions Training and Development 54,363 2,079 82% (4%) (18%) Hospital Revitalisation 72,896 72,895 1 74% 59% 26% 41% 33% Provincial Infrastructure 46,646 46,645 95% 63% 5% 37% 32% Forensic Pathology Services 41,531 23,195 18,335 56% 43% 13% (44%) (57%) TOTAL 371,716 351,299 20,417 81% 78% 17% 3%

5 Budget and Expenditure Outcomes: Conditional Grants
Of the budgeted amount of R371,716 million an amount of R351,299 million i.e. 95% was spent at financial year end. This represents an increase of 14% from the percent expenditure of the 2005/06 financial year. Four (4) conditional grants record 100% expenditure while one (1) record 96% and one (1) records 56%. Following grants are at 100%: Comprehensive HIV and AIDS, National Tertiary Services, Hospital Revitalization, Provincial Infrastructure.

6 Budget and expenditure outcomes: Conditional Grants
Health Professions Development and Training Grant At 96%, The Health Professions Training and Development Grant records under spending of R2,079 million. The unspent funds are part of the funds allocated to Philadelphia Hospital which was transferred to Limpopo Province as part of the re-demarcation of municipal boundaries. The Department awaits a claim from the Limpopo Province to substantiate this amount. The Department has applied for the roll over of the amount of R2,079 million.

7 Budget and Expenditure Outcomes: Conditional Grants
Forensic Pathology Services At 56%; and a variance of R18,335 million, the expenditure on this grant is low. The low expenditure is attributed to: An amount of R13,205 million budgeted for infrastructural projects could not be spent because of delays in the appointment of service providers. There were delays with the procurement of equipment (including c-arms) for R3,347 million. Vehicles procured for R1,783 million are awaiting conversion (refrigeration).

8 Budget and Expenditure Outcomes: Conditional Grants
Forensic Pathology Services The unspent funds are committed and Treasury approval has been requested for the roll over amount of R18,335 million. The service providers for the capital projects (building of mortuaries at Ermelo and Secunda) have not been appointed yet. The appointment of these contractors is expected to be finalized by June 2007. The unspent funds are committed and Treasury approval has been requested for the roll over of the amount of R18,335 million.

9 Challenges Conditional grants HR capacity constraints to implement and monitor business plans adequately. Definitions of tertiary services not standardized, therefore data collection not uniform between provinces. Insufficient capacity (electronic systems and HR) to accurately collect and analyse data. Recruitment and retention of professionals is a challenge impacting on delivery on certain grants such as HIV and AIDS Grant. National short supply of specialists is a challenges on the development of tertiary services in the province.

10 Budget and expenditure outcomes on Capital Budget

11 Budget and Expenditure Outcomes: Capital Budget Health Component
2006/07 Adjusted Budget Pre-audited Amount spent 31 March 2007 Pre-audited Variance 31 March 2007 Pre-audited % spent 31 March 2007 % Spent 31 March 2006 % Spent 31 March 2005 % Increase/decrease from 05/06 to 2006/07 % Increase/decrease from 04/05 to 2006/07 % Increase/ decrease from 04/05 to 2005/06 R’000 % Buildings and fixed structures 134,350 155,637 (21,287) 116% 103% 262% 13% (146%) (159%) Machinery and equipment 135,863 89,110 46,753 66% 87% 43% (21%) 23% 44% Software and other intangible assets 130 (100%) 292% 105% (192%) (5%) 187% TOTAL 270,213 244,877 25,336 91% 96% 74% 17% 22%

12 Poor workmanship by contractors delays service delivery for facilities
Challenges Capital Budget Late appointment of contractors for infrastructural projects led to the under expenditure Poor workmanship by contractors delays service delivery for facilities

13 Monitoring capacity for the financial year 2006/07

14 Monitoring Capacity Weekly discussion sessions are conducted to monitor the progress on conditional grants Quarterly performance reviews are conducted to monitor progress on both financial and non financial information



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