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Greek & Latin Roots Unit 6.

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1 Greek & Latin Roots Unit 6

2 HER, HES from Latin “to attach; to be fixed”
Adherent – (n.) a follower of a person or idea Incoherent – (adj.) not able to be understood; nonsensical Inherent – (adj.) existing as a natural part

3 FUS, from Latin “to pour out”
Diffuse – 1. (adj.) not concentrated or focused; wordy 2. (v.) to spread out or distribute Effusive – (adj.) overflowing with words or feelings; gushing Profuse – (adj.) plentiful, abundant, a lot

4 SOLU, SOLV from Latin “to loosen, to solve”
Resolute – (adj.) determined, steadfast Dissolute – (adj.) devoted to sensual pleasure; lacking moral restraint Insoluble – (adj.) 1. impossible to solve or fix 2. Unable to be dissolved

5 LEG from Latin “to select, to choose, to gather”
Diligent – (adj.) hardworking and careful Recollect – (v.) to remember, to recall Sacrilege – (n.) an act against a holy person or place

INCOHERENT RECOLLECT The witness could not ____________________ exactly where he was on the night of the murder. Although he was many times smaller than his opponent, the little dog faced the bear with ____________________ toughness. Amy’s dance teacher recommended her as the one person in the class who was ____________________ enough to practice several hours each day. Andrew often wondered if the desire to fight was ____________________ in his character because he always seemed to be arguing with someone.

5. The colors in the Van Gogh painting seemed to ____________________ into each other. 6. Do you think selling goods and services in a holy place is a(n) ____________________? 7. The medicine made Sean talk so fast he was ____________________; none of his friends could understand what he was saying. 8. The birds regularly eat seemingly ____________________ material like tough bark and stones.

9. DJ was never a(n) ____________________ of the “every man for himself” philosophy; he always tried to help others. 10. While one of the twins was quiet and thoughtful, the other was ____________________ and energetic. 11. Before anyone could say that I was leading a reckless, ____________________ existence, I had an experience that forced me to sober up. 12. Ben expressed ____________________ regret for hitting the fence with his car, but he still had to pay for it.

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