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On a separate sheet of paper, write everything you know/have learned regarding the picture below. Write as much as you can in the time allotted. Do Now.

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Presentation on theme: "On a separate sheet of paper, write everything you know/have learned regarding the picture below. Write as much as you can in the time allotted. Do Now."— Presentation transcript:

1 On a separate sheet of paper, write everything you know/have learned regarding the picture below. Write as much as you can in the time allotted. Do Now

2 Nonrenewable Resources
The villains

3 Renewable vs. Nonrenewable Resources
Nearly always available somewhere on Earth Replaced in a relatively short time Nonrenewable Resource Resources that are not replaced Once they are used up, they are gone forever

4 Primary vs. Secondary Energy Sources
Primary Sources = renewable and nonrenewable resources These examples are found in nature Secondary Sources Energy made from an electric charge = Electricity Is produced by a primary source

5 Examples of Nonrenewable Resources
Fossil Fuels Formed from once-living organisms When decomposition occurs without Oxygen Different conditions create different fuels Temperature, Amount of Pressure, and chemical composition for the original material all determine which fossil fuel is created Ex. – Oil comes from microscopic animals and algae.

6 Types of Fossil Fuels #1 – Coal Found in nature as a solid
World’s most abundant fossil fuel Created from plant remains compressed under high pressure USA and China have large amounts of coal reserves Coal provides ¼ of the world’s energy and ½ of USA’s energy Obtain the energy by heating it up

7 Types of Fossil Fuels #2 – Oil or Petroleum
Found in nature as a liquid Created by microscopic organisms remains in oceans and seas Use for most forms of transportation Found the Middle East, Russia, and North and South America Energy is obtained through burning the oil

8 Types of Fossil Fuels #3 Natural Gas Found in nature as a gas
Mixture of methane gas and small amounts of other chemicals Less polluting than oil or coal Produces a large amount of energy when burned Often found where coal is found Often used to heat homes and run appliances (stoves, water heaters, clothes dryers)

9 Hubbert’s Curve Today 80% of American Energy is supplied by fossil fuels Oil uses 40% of those needs M. King Hubbert predicted in that the oil supply would peak in Peak = Amount is discovered is less than the demand. Amount of oil supply begins to diminish

10 Types of Nonrenewable Resources
Nuclear Energy Energy that holds particles of an atom together in the nucleus Nuclear Fission – process of splitting the atom’s nucleus into two smaller nuclei Energy is released and causes a chain reaction to split other nearby atoms An uncontrolled reaction will cause a nuclear bomb

11 How Much Fossil Fuel Is Left?

12 Graphing Activity Read directions and graph the 3 tables provided
These are all line graphs Answer the analysis questions

13 Exit Quiz What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources? Which of the following nonrenewable resources produces the least amount of pollution? Have we reached the peak of Hubbert’s curve? What does that mean for our future consumption?

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