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Reporting for MSFD Article 13 and 14 –

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1 Reporting for MSFD Article 13 and 14 –
Programmes of measures, exceptions European Commission DG Environment Unit C.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry MSCG 10-11 November 2014, Brussels

2 Approach to reporting of PoMs
Same approach as WFD reporting on PoMs Focus on use of Key Types of Measures (KTMs) and indicators (= MSFD targets) KTMs relate directly to the problems (pressures) which need to be reduced Information fields requested per measure are similar to WFD reports Builds upon WFD reporting WFD measures which also contribute to MSFD are reported under WFD WFD reports amended to allow links to MSFD reports Outline contents for text-based report General questions, measures (linked to KTMs), exceptions (if any) Prepare for Public Consultation (or summary of report) Provide report to COM Focused reporting to COM (xml) Reporting of key information (data) to be used for statistics and Art. 16 assessment Report on relevant geographic area, targets, GES Descriptors and Annex III elements – links PoMs to rest of reporting

3 Elements of the MSFD PoM reporting
Summary report (descriptive): taking account of checklist questions (general, measures, exceptions) Assessment report (Art.16) Reporting Sheet (xml): categorical information on KTMs, measures & exceptions WFD reporting: extended to cover MSFD needs MS COM

4 Summary report on PoMs Contents should include:
General PoM information Measures Exceptions Could be used for Public Consultation (or summary version) Text-based Submit to COM as part of reporting under Art. 13(9).

5 Summary report: general questions
Environmental targets Inventory of existing measures New measures Adequacy of the PoM Regional cooperation and transboundary impacts Public consultation Administrative processes

6 Summary report: new measures
Measure code/name Description (incl. mode of action) Policy used (for measure type 2a) Relevant KTMs and targets Temporal coverage (start date, end date if appropriate) Responsible Competent Authority and delivery authorities/organisations CEA and CBA undertaken (Yes/No) Financing (state of securing, source of funding) Level of coordination in implementation (e.g. Local, national, regional) Obstacles to delivery, if any Effectiveness of implementation – how assessed Similar report: WFD measures Other existing measures: link to further information

7 Summary report: exceptions
Exception code/name Relevant targets, GES Descriptors & Annex III elements Spatial coverage of the exception (MS, (sub)regions, assessment areas, geographic zones) Exception type and justification Mitigation – consequences and mitigation for other MS and ad-hoc measures taken Report template provided

8 Reporting sheet – xml file
Measure or Exception Associated KTMs Policy used (WFD, MSFD, other e.g. RSC, national) Relevant targets, GES descriptors, Annex III Table 1 elements Spatial coverage Web link to MS report Categorical information

9 General questions Target 1 Water KTM 5 Target 2 Target 3 Marine KTM 27
Measure A Target 1 WFD Measure B Water KTM 5 Target 2 Measure C Measure D Target 3 Other existing Measure E Marine KTM 27 General questions Measure F Measure G Target 4 Measure H New MSFD Measure I Marine KTM 39 Target 5 Measure J Exception 1 Exception 2

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