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ONAP Dublin Architecture Requirements
Stephen Terrill, et al.
Input Material input is the Dublin Architecture F2F meeting (Montreal) and subsequent discussions. More information is available here: +Requirements
Service Mesh – Using K8s and ISTIO as infrastructure for ONAP
Leverage Kubernetes. Dublin Scope: Use native K8S facilities (IPVS) for service load balancing. Use K8S Network policies for RBAC (At the service granularity, not at the HTTP protocol level) Prove few application services using ISTIO citadel using nodeagent and create guideline document POCs with the ISTIO/Envoy community to reduce the memory footprint of Envoy proxy. Secure communication (refer to ONAP security sub-committee) Direction: use of ISTIO, tightly integrated via ENVOY, as a “REFERENCE”. PoC during Dublin timeframe, using in Dublin if ready Back end integration to AAF. AAF/CADI direction still supported
Model-driven Distributed Analytics (1)
Still architecture discussions on how to instantiate the edge placed analytics Model-driven Distributed Analytics (1) ONAP Analytics App Repo & Mapping with VNF & Service management APPC Kafka Broker Analytics instance registration management Policy/CLAMP Distributed Deployment Manager Model Management Kafka Across LAN/MAN/WAN API (REST etc.) ONAP Normalizer & Dispatcher Cloud Infra Event/Alert/Alarm/Fault Normalization (Multi Cloud Micro Services) VNF/App Event/Alert/Alarm/Fault Normalization Kafka Client based Dispatcher Third party edge workload (Analytics etc.) ONAP-Edge workload (Analytics etc.) PNDA+ Analytics Application/Framework are packaged together VMware Kafka Deployment Manager Apps Training at the regional sites and inference at the edges. Both at the edges Both at the regional sites Apache Spark HDFS Kafka Collection & transformation Edge1 Edge2 Edge n Edge1 Edge2 Edge m Source:
Model-driven Distributed Analytics (2)
Ambition: Support distributed (Edge) analytics Dublin Focus: Support ONAP-based and 3rd Party Analytics Applications Analytics applications are treated the same as ONAP VNF workloads Use VNF deployment (VM/Container) workflow for analytics application deployment Normalization at the edge for Cloud Infra Event/Alert/Alarm/Faults Details: Presentation: End-to-end use cases: vFW, vCPE (TBD), 5G (TBD)
Fine-grained Placement Service (F-GPS)
Ambition: Support fine-grained placement Dublin Focus: Support fine-grained placement in a specific Distributed DC/Availability zone proximal to a group of users for latency sensitive workloads Details: Presentation: Leverage capacity alerts (significant change in capacity) from Model-driven Distributed Analytics work End-to-end use cases: 5G
K8s Cloud region support (1/2)
Continue the journey of support for contain based VNFs. SDC to support K8S Helm charts as artifacts in VNF CSAR SDC to support multiple cloud technology artifacts in one VNF CSAR. Note: This is the case where the same VNF executable can run in different cloud environments. VNF SDK to support the validation of VFND based on Helm changes and also a VNFD supporting multiple cloud technologies VNF Requirements to describe requirements on a VNFD CSAR SO to be made independent of Cloud technology SO to pass userParams of 'createVNF' NB API to Multi-Cloud. CLI and VID to take userParams as input from the user Testing SO ability to bypass assignment functionality in SDNC Ensure (fix any gaps) needed to put information of containers in A&AI such as IP address assigned to it, VNF instance ID returned by Multi-Cloud.
K8s Cloud region support (122)
Multi-Cloud SDC Client for artifact distribution. Helm based implementation Upgrade functionality (Change management) [Stretch] Finish R3 functionality (OVF, Helm, VNF environments etc..) Testing to Ensure that current closed loop (with vFirewall) works end- to-end. Testing to Ensuring that change management functionality continues to work.
Modularity (1/2) Definitions
Module: Implements a business capability accessed through a defined set of APIs E.g. A DCAE Data Collector microservice, A&AI data repository Component: A collection of modules that are related in some form E.g. SO, Controllers, A&AI, etc ONAP: A collection of ONAP Components Microservice: Small, single-capability focused, standalone services E.g. IP address assignment, Tosca parser Cloud-Native: Container-packaged, dynamically managed, microservicesoriented applications E.g. Containerized microservices managed by Kubernetes Service Mesh: Connective tissue between microservices E.g. traffic control, resiliency, security, observability Control plane (Istio, linked) and Data plane (Envoy, linkerd) Note: This is different from service chaining
Modularity (2/2) Start small. Start with SO and Controllers. SO:
API handler Request DB BPMN Infra SDC controller Catalog Adapter Adapters for the controllers (SDNC/VFC/…) and Cloud Adapter Controllers: IP assignment Tosca Parser Proposal: Discussion with projects
ETSI Alignment VNFM plug-in to SO:
SO, SOL003 plug-in SDC, indicate of whether to use VNFM A&AI: VNF/VF Instance <-> VNFM instance Other scenarios proposed, more work to do. (not sufficient arch discussions yet) SOL005 between SO and ETSI defined NFVO Exposing SOL005 NBI from ONAP ONAP connection of VNF through SOL002 ETSI Stds i/f ETSI defined VNFM SOL003 SO SOL005 ETSI defined NFVO SOL005 ONAP ONAP SOL002 VNF
Joint Arch // Modelling issues
Modelling a Allotted network function An allotted network function is a network function where part of its capability is allocated to a service. A number of steps are defined over a few release, starting with the VNFs. NSD modelling Does the NSD have to be explicitly modelled or can it use the ONAP defined services. Note: There is agreement that we need a way to represent a NSD somehow. Support of SOL001 v2.5.1 Orchestration Scenarios What are the driving network scenarios for ETSI-ONAP alignment. Ongoing.
Architectural Support for 5G use cases
Covered in 5G Use Case work. Retained as a placeholder for deepdives if required.
General Increase / Evolve the Architecture documentation
Architecture evolution roadmap
TOSCA Task Force Priority Requirement 1
There is a Tosca Task Force with the following objectives: Establish TOSCA as the "normative", supplier/operator neutral way to package and describe (model) network service and functions in ONAP. Enable template reuse and orchestration outcome consistency across ONAP related on-boarding, design, instantiation and operation activities. Identify TOSCA adoption barriers/gaps and recommend closure actions. Priority Requirement 1 Support for ETSI NFV SOL001 specification v2.5.1 templates Support for for TOSCA Simple YAML Profile v1.2 and v1.3 2 Support for multiple flavors/versions of TOSCA VNFD templates Support for multiple versions of TOSCA language/grammar 3 A "registry" approach for configurable and modifiable properties Preservation of original on-boarded template semantics and content
Reviewed usecases and projects
Reviewed and OK: Broadband Service (BBS) 5G use cases (at Arch F2F) Still requires further re-review ONAP data lake OSAM CDI (composible desagretated infrasrtructure)
Contacts Topic Contact Service Mesh Mike Elliot, Srini Addepali
Model driven (or distributed at edge) Analytics Srini Addepali, ramki krishnan Fine-Graned Placement Service ramki Krishnan K8s cloud region support Srini Addepali Modularity Vmial Begwani, John Ng, Seshu Kumar ETSI Alignment (SO plug-in) Ciaran Murphy, byung.woo Jun, Fred Oliverira (overall orchestration scenarios) VFC team for VFC enhancements Tosca Task force Alex Vul Alloted Network Function Gill Bullard
Distributed Data Analytics
Ambition: Support distributed (Edge) analytics Dublin timeframe: Focus on instantiate of edge DCAE Still under discussion: How to instantiate the edge DCAE, what is instantiated and the trigger. Stretch goal: Send signature from Edge DCAE to central DCAE Central DCAE Edge DCAE connectivity Central site Edge site
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