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English 10- 9/6/11 Five minutes to review for the vocabulary quiz.

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1 English 10- 9/6/11 Five minutes to review for the vocabulary quiz.
“Doctor, I feel like a pair of curtains!” “Pull yourself together!” Palindrome - word or passage that reads the same forward as backward Goals – Successfully complete Week 1 vocab. study. Explore the relationship between non-critical thinking and Authentic Intellectual Work. Homework –Write a well thought out answer to the following for discussion tomorrow: What is critical thinking? Why is it important in school?

2 English /7/11 What do you think “non-critical thinking” could mean? How many University of Washington freshmen does it take to screw in a light bulb? MAD – Mutual Assured Destruction. A concept in nuclear planning. Goals – Explore the relationship between non-critical thinking and Critical Thinking. Explore argumentation and the necessity of courage in school. Homework – Write a well thought out answer to the following for discussion tomorrow: What is courage? Academic courage? Answer: None, that's a senior course

3 English 10- 9/8/11 What do you think “mental coward” could mean?
How many twins does it take to change a light bulb? BOLTOP – Better On Lips Than On Paper. Add it to SWAK if you mean business! Goals – Explore the meaning of “mental coward” and the necessity of courage in school. Homework – What have you been told about why education is necessary since you were small? Write a description on your daily work. two

4 English 10 9/9/11 What do you think “the value of education” could mean? Why were all the ink spots crying? SWAG – Scientific Wild-a**ed Guess Goals –Explore the value of education and the need for courage to achieve it. Homework – Don’t forget to study for the vocabulary quiz 2 on Tuesday, 9/13. Their father was in the pen.

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