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Measurement-Based GIS

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement-Based GIS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement-Based GIS
Michael F. Goodchild University of California Santa Barbara

2 The GIS design legacy CGIS CAD McHarg and overlay Remote sensing
Early efforts in the US Bureau of the Census ARC/INFO

3 Error-sensitive GIS Storing characterizations of uncertainty
Propagation through GIS operations Visualization Confidence limits on products

4 How to build one? Augmentation of existing data models
new attributes of objects, object classes, data sets metadata the five-fold way Lanter and Veregin, GeoLineus inheritance, object-orientation

5 Overlay and combine values according to the Boolean rule If (A. EQ. 1)
Overlay and combine values according to the Boolean rule If (A.EQ.1).AND.(B.GT.2) then C=1 else C=0

6 An implicit assertion Uncertainty can be represented by certain additions to the data model no change of data model is required no change of representation GIS data models evolved before concerns about uncertainty is a fundamental change of representation needed by an error-sensitive GIS?

7 An example The area class map

8 An uncertain version At every point (x,y) there exists a vector of memberships in each of the classes {p1(x,y),p2(x,y),p3(x,y),…} Switch to a field representation raster, sample point values, TIN, contours A GIS that uses strictly polygons cannot be made error-sensitive by adding attributes to existing objects (polygons, arcs)

9 Positional uncertainty
The fundamental item of geographic information <x,z> uncertainty in x Geographic location absolute stored at point, object, data set level return absolute position

10 Measurement of position
Position measured x = f(m) Position interpolated between measured locations surveyed straight lines registered images The inverse function m = f -1(x)


12 Theory of measurement error
Measured value = true value + distortion x' = x + x some derived value y = x2 y + y = (x + x)2 expanding and ignoring terms in (x)2 y = 2 x x more generally if y = f (x); y = df/dx x generalizes to several variables, variance-covariance matrices

13 Errors of position Location distorted by a vector field
x' = x + (x) (x) varies smoothly Database with objects of mixed lineage different vector fields for each group of objects lineage may not be apparent e.g. not all houses share same lineage

14 Absolute and relative error
Two points x1, x2 perfect correlation of errors, (x1) = (x2) no error in distance zero correlation of errors maximum error in distance Absolute error for a single location measured by (x) Relative error for pairs of locations value depends on error correlations


16 Implications Most GIS operations involve more than one point
e.g. distance, area measurement, optimum routing knowledge of error correlations is essential if error is to be propagated into products joint distributions are needed statistics such as the confusion matrix provide only marginal distributions

17 The inverse f -1 An error is discovered in x
error at x1 is correlated with error at x2 both errors are attributed to some erroneous measurement m to determine the effects of correcting x1 on the value of x2 it is necessary to know f and its inverse f -1

18 Definitions Coordinate-based GIS Measurement-based GIS
locations represented by x f, f -1 and m are lost during database creation Measurement-based GIS f and m available x may be determined on the fly f -1 may be available

19 Partial correction The ability to propagate the effects of correcting one location to others preserving the shapes of buildings and other objects avoiding sharp displacements in roads and other linear features Partial correction is impossible in coordinate-based GIS major expense for large databases

20 The geodetic model Equator, Poles, Greenwich
Sparse, high-accuracy points First-order network Dense, lower-accuracy points Second-order network Interpolated positions of even lower accuracy Locations at each level inherit the errors of their parents


22 Formalizing measurement-based GIS
Structured as a hierarchy levels indexed by i locations at level i denoted by x(i) locations at level (i+1) derived through equations of the form x(i+1) = f(m,x(i)) locations at level 0 anchor the tree locations established independently (GPS but not DGPS) are at level 0

23 An example A utility database
Pipe's location is measured at 3 ft from a property boundary m = {3.0,L} property at level 3, pipe at level 4 Property location is later revised or resurveyed new m = {2.9,L} effects are propagated to dependent object

24 Beyond the geodetic model
National database of major highways 100m uncertainty in position sufficient for agency relative accuracies likely higher, e.g. highways are comparatively straight, no sudden 100m offsets Local agency database 1m accuracy required two trees with different anchors


26 Merging trees Link with a pseudo-measurement displacement of 0
standard error of 100m revisions of the more accurate anchor can now be inherited by the less accurate tree but will normally be inconsequential


28 Conclusions Almost universal adoption of coordinate-based GIS
assumes it is possible to know location exactly design precision greatly exceeds actual accuracy in practice exact location is not knowable attempts at partial correction lead to unacceptable topological and geometrical distortions

29 Measurement-based GIS
Retains measurements and derivation functions may obtain absolute locations on the fly Supports incremental update and correction Supports merger of databases with different inheritance hierarchies Legacy GIS designs are not optimal

30 Implementation Design from the ground up
Accept a model that includes necessary features hierarchical databases object-oriented databases but support for complex functions, variance-covariance matrices?


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