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The War’s End U.S. History Objective 10.02.

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Presentation on theme: "The War’s End U.S. History Objective 10.02."— Presentation transcript:

1 The War’s End U.S. History Objective 10.02

2 Objective 10.02 Identify military, political, and diplomatic turning points of the war and determine their significance to the outcome and aftermath of the conflict.

3 Manhattan Project Top secret US project to build the atomic bomb
Developed by European and American scientists between 1942 and 1945. Led by J. Robbert Oppenheimer.


5 J. Robert Oppenheimer

6 Bomb tested in desert in New Mexico

7 Roosevelt’s Death April 12, 1945 FDR had a stroke and died.

8 Truman becomes President
Vice-President Harry S Truman becomes the nation’s 33rd president that night


10 Japan Refuses to Surrender
After Okinawa still no surrender

11 Whether or not to drop the bomb?
Some estimated that a US invasion of Japan would take at least 1 million American lives.

12 Hiroshima Aug. 6, 1945 – US bombed Hiroshima
Killed from 60,000 to 140,000 Japan still did not surrender

13 B-29, “B-san”, “Mr. B” Paul Tibbets – bombardier Weather plane?


15 Hibakusha “explosion-affected people” – not “survivors” Fires
Medical issues “radiation sickness” discrimination

16 Hibakusha Rumors of what had happened Fluid from soldiers’ melted eyes
Gasoline raining down? Magnesium powder sprayed from a plane – live wires in city? Fluid from soldiers’ melted eyes

17 Gov’t support Lucky Dragon No. 5 A-Bomb Victims Medical Care Law
4 classes of people eligible for support Those who had been in the city limits Those who had entered area within 2km w/in 14 days Those who had come into physical contact with hibakusha while administering care Those who had been embryos in wombs of any of the above Health books, later monthly allowances


19 Japan still doesn’t surrender!!!
Three days later, the US bombed Nagasaki

20 V-J Day August 15, 1945 – announced that Japan would surrender
Formal surrender takes place on Sept. 2, officially ending WWII


22 Conferences throughout the war
Casablanca – Allied leaders agree only to accept unconditional surrender – also determined strategy of defeating Germany first

23 Wartime conferences (continued)
Yalta – Feb – FDR, Churchill, and Stalin agree to divide Germany into zones of occupation Soviets agree to join war against Japan Potsdam – Soviets, British, French, and Americans agree to take reparations from different occupation zones of Germany Truman replaces FDR

24 Occupation of Japan Gen. Douglas MacArthur takes charge of US – occupied Japan War criminals tried and executed Introduces free-market practices Led to economic recovery

25 Occupation of Japan (continued)
New Constitution (MacArthur Constitution) – still in place Guaranteed basic freedoms Women’s suffrage

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