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2019 Theme Lights in a Dark World Philippians 2:15.

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Presentation on theme: "2019 Theme Lights in a Dark World Philippians 2:15."— Presentation transcript:

1 2019 Theme Lights in a Dark World Philippians 2:15

2 Know Your Enemy! Ephesians 5:11

3 Who is Satan? He is a real being, not merely the personification of evil “Devil” and “Satan” both used 30+ times in NT Satan – adversary. 1 Peter 5:8 Devil – deceiver. 2 Corinthians 11:3

4 Who is Satan? A liar and murderer – John 8:44
The serpent – Genesis 3:1 2 Corinthians 11:3 Revelation 12:9 (20:2) The evil one Matthew 6:13

5 Who is Satan? Other descriptions associated with Satan Belial – 2 Corinthian 6:15 Apollyon and Abaddon (destruction) - Revelation 9:11 Beelzebub - Matthew 12:24

6 Who is Satan? He is associated with darkness
Acts 26:18, Paul sent to deliver from darkness and the power of Satan, and turn them to light and to God He is behind the darkness of this world. He causes troubles – cf. Revelation 2:10

7 Who is Satan? The world is his dominion
2 Corinthians 4:4, the god of this age John 12:31, the ruler of this world Ephesians 2:2, the prince of the power of the air He who sins is of the devil – 1 John 3:7-8

8 How Satan works He deceives
His primary work today – convincing man that sin is acceptable, that God doesn’t exist, or doesn’t care, the Bible is flawed, etc. Genesis 3:1-2, he lied to Eve 2 Corinthians 11:14, he transforms himself into an angel of light

9 How Satan works He deceives
Far too many do not see him as evil or wicked, nor the destruction of his ways 2 Thessalonians 2:9, with powers, signs and lying wonders

10 How Satan works He tempts
Matthew 4:3, the tempter, came to tempt Jesus (4:1-11) Part of his scheming. He lures to capture you – James 1:12-16 Vs. 16, “Do not be deceived” 1 John 2:15-17, he appeals to your lusts and weaknesses Jesus resisted him and we must too

11 How Satan works He will take advantage of you
2 Corinthians 2:11, he knows your weaknesses and will exploit them 1 Peter 5:8, he seeks to devour 2 Timothy 2:26, the snares of the devil Examples: John 13:2, Luke 22:31, Acts 5:3

12 How Satan works He seeks to undo the good others have done
Mark 4:15, takes the seed away from unreceptive heart Matthew 13:39, the enemy sowed bad seed (his servants) 1 Thessalonians 2:18, he hinders us

13 How Satan works He uses his angels of light
2 Corinthians 11:14-15, the devil has plenty of help doing his work today. Partly because too many “followers of Jesus” are not standing up for Him, and failing to ground others He will take whatever you give him!

14 Dealing with Satan Do NOT dismiss or underestimate him!
While he does not have super natural power, he is powerful. As powerful as we LET him be. Do not think you can handle temptations (Proverbs 6:27)

15 Dealing with Satan Know that he can be resisted
James 4:7, resist and he will flee Ephesians 4:27, do not give place to him Matthew 4:10, “away with you Satan” 1 John 5:18, whoever is born of God does not sin

16 Dealing with Satan Deal with your temptations James 1:12, endure
1 Corinthians 10:13, you can escape 2 Peter 2:9, the Lord knows how to deliver us Hebrews 4:15-16, remember Jesus – He too was tempted…

17 Dealing with Satan Be sober, vigilant 1 Peter 5:8
1 Thessalonians 5:6-8, watch and be sober Romans 13:11-13, awake from sleep

18 Dealing with Satan Pray John 17:15, Jesus prayed for us
Matthew 6:13, deliver us from the evil one

19 Dealing with Satan Declare war on the devil Ephesians 6:10-17
2 Corinthians 10:4-5, the weapons of our warfare We need to fight

20 Dealing with Satan Realize that God is greater
Job 1:12, 2:6, he could only act with permission Zechariah 3:2, Jude 9, he can be rebuked and unable to respond John 10:28, none can snatch away the sheep of Jesus 1 John 3:8

21 Dealing with Satan Satan WILL lose!
Revelation 20:2, 10, cast into the lake of fire… Matthew 25:41, hell prepared for him Luke 10:17-18, he fell like lightening from heaven Romans 16:20, the God of peace will crush him

22 Dealing with Satan We have noted that we must not underestimate the devil, BUT equally, we should not overestimate his power! There is hope! He can do nothing unless we allow him to!

23 How is your light handling the darkness of Satan?

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