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Prism Health North Texas Programs and Services

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1 Prism Health North Texas Programs and Services
Free World Bound – MAI (FWB MAI) Daron Kirven, FWB Director January 31, 2019

2 Prism Health North Texas formerly known as AIDS Arms, Inc.
Mission Advancing the health of North Texas through education, research, prevention, and personalized integrated HIV care.

3 Prism Health North Texas Services
Serves 13 North Texas counties – depending on program Services provided at several sites: Two HIV medical care clinics (Oak Cliff Clinic and South Dallas Clinic) – primary HIV medical care and integrated behavioral health care with a co-located pharmacy at one site Outreach, mobile/onsite testing services Mobile/onsite case management, behavioral health care, psychosocial support services, HIV/HCV testing and risk reduction counseling Clinical Trials PrEP HIV empowerment center for PLWH Key goals: Prevent HIV Test those at high risk for HIV infection Engage and retain HIV positive people in medical care and treatment Help HIV positive people achieve viral suppression, optimal health

4 New Client Other Key Programs Case Management Outpatient Medical Care
New Client Intake Welcome Appointment Initial assessment - barriers - eligibility - needs - resources Referrals/linkage to care New Client Outreach, testing & risk reduction interventions in the community for HIV+ High risk HIV- Case Management Increase Access/Understanding of HIV Care System Assess - barriers to medical care, needs Collect eligibility documentation/assess eligibility Create care plan based on client needs/goals Provide/coordinate referrals to care; ensure linkage Monitor adherence to care and provide support Make home visits/family education Annual eligibility assessment for referrals Risk reduction interventions Ongoing follow-up & evaluation of referrals, needs & emerging barriers to care Identify clients who have dropped out of medical care Outpatient Medical Care Medical assessment & management Treatment adherence interventions Subspecialties: infectious disease, Internal medicine, dermatology, Psychiatry and disability assessments Research/clinical trials Nutritional counseling Medical Case Management Treatment education & support ID/reduce barriers to subspecialty care Coordinate medical referrals Adherence to care interventions Risk reduction education Identify patients who are Lost to Care Re-link to care Medication Financial Assistance Medicare Part D ADAP – State Program Pharmaceutical Financial Aid Compassionate Care Programs Other Key Programs FWB Prison and Re-entry Prevention Services Family/individual psychotherapy Substance abuse/mental health treatment Family educational support Client Resource Library

Re-Entry Programs – Free World Bound

6 DSHS MAI – FWB Re-Entry Program
Services: Outreach Health Education and Risk Reduction Linkage to Medical Care Enrollment in THMP Linkage to Case Management Services Copay assistance for prescriptions Transportation Linkage to Social Support Services

7 MAI PROGRAM STAFF Tymeka Phenix – Program Manager
Rosalind Lawrence – OES Sheree Hoops – OES (Outreach Education Specialist)

Title: Free World Bound High Impact Prevention (FWB HIP) Program Provided within the Prism Health North Texas system of care Leverages totality of services to provide individuals with comprehensive and seamless care.

9 FWB HIP Program Overview
Outreach Prevention with HIV positives (START Intervention) Prevention with high risk HIV negatives (Personalized Cognitive Counseling (PCC) Intervention) Linkage to Case Management Services Counseling Testing and Referral (CTR) Linkage to Care (Anti-Retroviral Treatment and Access to Services (ARTAS) Intervention) PrEP Navigation and Support Services Condom Distribution

10 FWB MAI & FWB HIP Recruitment and Referral Process

11 FWB OUTREACH Transitional Facilities Parole and Probation Departments
Substance Abuse Facilities Mental Health Facilities Homeless Shelters Housing for Re-Entry Persons Other providers that work with the priority population

12 FWB – Flow of Services Incarcerated Population Re-entry Population
Project START Plus 2 sessions in correctional setting Outreach CTR HIV + HIV+ and HIV- Project START 4 sessions after release HIV+ and HIV- HIV+ HIV- at high risk for HIV HIV+ ARTAS – Linkage to Care STI eval & trtmt PrEP eval and Rx HIV Care HIV medical care, medication assistance, psychosocial case management, and referrals to address barriers to care and/or meet client needs HIV- HIV+ HIV- PCC PrEP Community Referral Network Substance abuse and/or mental health treatment, GED classes, job training, transportation assistance, food, clothing, housing, domestic violence assistance, family reunification services, etc. Condom Distribution


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