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Energy Systems for Surface Transport-2

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1 Energy Systems for Surface Transport-2
P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department I I T Delhi More Options for road Transport!!!

2 Evolution of Otto’s Engine
In 1876 Otto built an internal-combustion engine utilizing the four-stroke cycle (four strokes of the piston for each ignition). Because of its reliability, its efficiency, and its relative quietness, Otto’s engine was an immediate success. More than 30,000 of them were built during the next 10 years. In 1893, the Benz Velo became the world's first inexpensive, mass-produced car. 12000 unites were produced. 0.7 hp and 958cc!!!

3 The Historical Event in Automobiles
The Mercedes 35 HP (German: Mercedes 35 PS) was a radical early car model designed in 1901. Engine volume: 5,918CC. The racecar was of a disappointing performance by multiple technical complications and enduring just for few laps. Inclusion of radiator for engine cooling. The three-horsepower, curved-dash Oldsmobile surpassed the steam Locomobile as America’s best-selling car in 1902, when 2,750 of them were sold.

4 Road Steam Disappeared in Second Decade of 20th Century
Petrol lorries were starting to show better efficiency and could be purchased cheaply as war surplus. On a busy route a 3-ton petrol lorry could save about £100 per month compared to its steam equivalent, in spite of restrictive speed limits, and relatively high fuel prices and maintenance costs. Road steam disappeared through becoming uneconomical to operate.

5 Four Cylinder Inline12 hp SI engine
The Shocking News The shocking news on 17th December 1903. Four Cylinder Inline12 hp SI engine

6 SI Engine for Propulsion
Radial SI Engine

7 Thermo-chemical Feasibility of Ignition
Saturation line Upper Flame Limit Vapour Pressure in Air Piloted Ignition Region Lower Flame Limit Mixture Temperature

8 Engine Damage From Severe Knock
Damage to the engine is caused by a combination of high temperature and high pressure. Piston Piston crown Cylinder head gasket Aluminum cylinder head

9 Thermo-chemical Feasibility of Ignition
Saturation line Upper Flame Limit Vapour Pressure in Air Piloted Ignition Region Automatic Ignition Temperature Hot Surface Ignition Region Lower Flame Limit Mixture Temperature

10 Design Constraints: Flammability Characteristics
Rich Mixture Stoichiometric Line Spontaneous Ignition Flammable mist Flammable Vapour Inflammable mist Flash Point Lean Mixture Line Burning Impossible Mixture Temperature

11 Execution of Internal Combustion : Thermo-chemical Feasibility
An Irrational Behaviour of SI Engine

12 Critical Compression Ratio
Formula Name Critical r CH4 Methane 12.6 C3H8 Propane 12.2 C8H18 Isooctane

13 Irrationality of Otto’s Model
Fuel/Air Mixture Compression Stroke

14 Flame Quenching at Wall

15 Live with A Promising Irrational Engine Model????
Advanced Cities Generation of photochemical smog Artificial Horses Eye and respiratory irritation in humans Epinasty, chlorosis, curling, leaf abscission and growth retardation in plans

16 Inflammability of Fuels

17 Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel
Diesel published a treatise entitled, Theory and Construction of a Rational Heat-engine to Replace the Steam Engine and Combustion Engines Known Today. This formed the basis for his work on and invention of, the diesel engine. In his engine, fuel was injected at the end of compression and the fuel was ignited by the high temperature resulting from compression.

18 A Brief History of the Diesel’s Engine
Diesel built the first diesel engine at the Augsburg Maschinenfabrik . Rudolph Diesel, filed a patent application The single cylinder engine was used to power stationary machinery. It weighed five tonnes and produced 20 hp at 172 rpm! The engine operated at 26.2% efficiency, a very significant improvement on the 20% achieved by the best gasoline engines of the time.

19 Displacement Work Devices : Compression (Self) Ignition Engine
Intake Stroke Combustion Products Exhaust Stroke Power Stroke Fuel Injection Air Compression Stroke

20 Active Part of the Innovation : Ideal Diesel Cycle
Qin Const pressure heat addition Process BC Qout Const volume heat rejection Process Air Compression Process Expansion Process

21 Air-Standard Diesel cycle
Process 1 2 Isentropic compression Process 2  3 Constant pressure heat addition Process 3  4 Isentropic expansion Process 4  1 Constant volume heat rejection Qin Qout v2 TC v1 BC Cut-off ratio:

22 First Law Analysis of Air Standard Diesel Cycle
Net cycle work Cycle thermal efficiency:

23 Thermal Efficiency of Diesel Engine
rc=1 rc=2 Typical CI Engines 15 < r < 20 rc=3 When rc (= v3/v2)1 the Diesel cycle efficiency approaches the efficiency of the Otto cycle

24 Structure of Efficient Diesel Cycle
Higher efficiency is obtained by adding less heat per cycle, Qin,  run engine at higher speed to get the same power.

25 Multi Cylinder Diesel Engines
1922 Benz introduces a 2-cylinder, 30 hp 800 rpm tractor engine. 1924 Benz introduces a 4-cylinder, 50 hp 1000 rpm truck engine. Peugeot introduces the 404 Diesel followed by the 504 Diesel and the 204 Diesel, the first diesel-powered compact car

26 Important Accessories for CI Engine

27 Schematic of Spray Dynamics in Diesel Engine

28 Development of Injection Pressure & Injection System in CI Engines

29 The Latest News The world’s biggest engine is the Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96. It’s the largest internal combustion engine ever built by man. Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-C is a 14-cylinder, turbocharged diesel engine that was specially designed to power the Emma Maersk which is owned by the Danish Maersk. Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96, the world’s biggest engine, has a weight of 2.3 million kilogrammes. For the marine application that has a 2.5 m stroke, the engine speed is limited to 102 rpm.

30 Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96 : The world’s biggest engine

31 Economies of Scale in Sea Transportation
Maersk Lines have done the world proud by providing cheap sea transportation that is costing cents instead of a dollar per every kg weight. They are able to do this by using economies of scale in sea transportation. It is getting cheaper to ship goods from USA to China and from China to USA. It has now become cheaper to transport goods from China to a US port than to transport the same goods from a US port to the final destination inland of US by a truck.

32 20th century Developments in I.C. Engines

33 Type of Fuel Vs Combustion Strategy
Highly volatile with High self Ignition Temperature: Spark Ignition. Ignition after thorough mixing of air and fuel. It’s a Baby Care combustion. Less Volatile with low self Ignition Temperature: Compression Ignition , Almost simultaneous mixing & Ignition. It’s a Teen Care combustion.

34 Need for Fuel Injection in SI Engine
One of the main factors to achieve near complete combustion and better engine performance is the generation of a homogenous mixture of air and fuel in the cylinder. The most of fuel should evaporate in the ports and mix with the inlet air. Formation a liquid fuel layers at the port and the cylinder walls should be minimized. The better solution is injection of fuel even in in the inlet port of gasoline (SI) vehicles using MPFI system.

35 Carburetted SI Engines
SI Religion Engines Carburetted SI Engines High Specific Power Cleaner exhaust compared to Diesel Low Fuel Economy  Throttling, quantity governed MPFI Engines High Specific Power Fuel economy better than carbureted  Quality governing, no throttling High HC emissions during transient operation Limited improvement at part load DISI Engines High power at full load  Homogeneous charge, high CR, high vol. High Fuel economy  Distinctly stratified charge, avoidance of throttling losses, quality governing Lower HC compared to MPFI

36 CI Religion in I.C. Engines
Diesel Engines  High CR  No throttling , quality governed,  High fuel economy at part load Low specific power  Low grade fuel, heterogeneous combustion  Turbo-charging – not useful for small engines High NOx and Smoke

37 1980s : Diesel Engine Menace
What Menace? NOx Respiratory problems. Ground ozone and PM formation. Acid rain. Visibility and haze. Nutrient pollution. Soot PM PM10 contributors. Chronic respiratory issues. Change in blood chemistry. Increased coronary blockade. Interferes with protein synthesis Soot-NOx Nexus-”Diesel Dilemma” is the looming evil at the tail pipe of a dieselized global economy.

38 Diesel Engine Menace Why Menace?
Stratified charge and φ-T in-cylinder distribution. Stoichiometric zones: High AFT-NOx in post flame. Rich zone: High PAH- Soot. Lean zone: Poor combustion- High CO and UBHC

39 Common Rail Diesel Injection System
The Common Rail Diesel Injection System delivers a more controlled quantity of atomised fuel, which leads to better fuel economy; a reduction in exhaust emissions; and a significant decrease in engine noise during operation.

40 Religious I.C. Engines The Right Engine
High power at full load  Homogeneous charge, high CR, high vol. High Fuel economy  Distinctly stratified charge, avoidance of throttling losses, quality governing Lower HC..

41 Our True Secular Engine
Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 8L Tank compatible with gasoline 8L Tank compatible with Alcohols Biogas from source at 8-10bar pressure Alcohol compatible Filter and fuel pump Filter and fuel pump Alcohol injector PRV to regulate injector upstream pressure:0.5-1bar with 0.5 bar resolution Gas injector Gasoline injector PRV to regulate injector upstream pressure:1-3bar with 0.5bar resolution PRV to regulate injector upstream pressure:1-3bar with 0.5bar resolution Common PFI ECU Trigger source from encoder or target wheel Pulse width modulation from PC to control quantity and timing Battery or AC to DC adapter power ECU

42 Development of New Hardware
Intake manifold thermocouple Heating element PFI Pre-PFI thermocouple Rheostat regulator with temperature cut-off switch

43 Eco-friendly Nature of our Secular Engine

44 Eco-friendly Nature of our Secular Engine

45 Fuel Economy of Our Secular Engine

46 Onsite Low Irreversibility Prime Movers
Combustion Engines Battery Electric Fuel Transmission Engine Battery Transmission Motor/ Generator

47 Energy Loss : Urban Driving : 3000 CC Engine Vehicle
Standby 8% Aero 3% Fuel Tank 100% 16% 13% Engine Driveline Rolling 4% Braking 6% Driveline Losses 3% Engine Loss 76% POWERTRAIN VEHICLE-Related

48 Energy Loss : City Driving – Electric Vehicle
Aero 29% Batteries 100% 90% 76% Motor Driveline Rolling 35% Braking 11% Driveline Losses 14% Motor Loss 10% POWERTRAIN VEHICLE-Related

49 Mine to Wheel Efficiency
Mine-to-Tank Tank-to-Wheels 31% 23% Generation 33% Transmission 94% Plug-to-Wheels 76% 31% 76% = 23% Refining 82% Transmission 98% Pump-to-Wheels 16% 13% 80% 80% 16% = 13%

50 Another Major Suitability Characteristic of Resource to Vehicle

51 Options of Converter Couples
A hybrid vehicle is driven a couple of Prime Movers. A hybrid vehicle with an electrical power train as one the couple is called an HEV. A gasoline (or diesel) I.C. engine system –electric motor system. Hydrogen fuel cell–electric motor system. Chemical battery–electric motor system, etc.

52 Decomposition of Urban Drive Power

53 Conceptual Hybrid Scheme

54 Analysis of Series Hybrid Electric Drive Trains
Unidirectional Energy source Bidirectional Energy source

55 Analysis of Parallel Hybrid Electric Drive Trains

56 Need for Better Hybrid Prime Mover
Need for High power density is still an unsolved problem in HEVs. Hybrid systems for heavy duty vehicles which are associated with high braking power. More number of charging/discharging cycles. Can withstand high rates of energy flow through the system during accelerations/decelerations. Do not require batteries, many of the environmental concerns associated with battery manufacture and disposal are eliminated. Have shorter payback time. The worst the conditions (frequent stops and go), the faster are the payback. An electric hybrid can recover about 30 percent of the energy created during braking only. 

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