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Project Navigator’s Sediments and Sludges Experience

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1 Project Navigator’s Sediments and Sludges Experience
Project Navigator’s team has managed projects over the past five years where enormous volumes of impacted materials have been handled in a cost-effective manner. In all these projects, we have strived to only excavate what is absolutely necessary to achieve protectiveness, thereby generating cost savings for our clients.  CASE STUDIES Buzby Landfill Site Voorhees, NJ Malone Superfund Site Texas City, TX Ascon Landfill Site Huntington Beach, CA MAR Services Site Superfund Site Cankton, LA PAB Oil & Chemical Site Superfund Site Abbeville, LA DESCRIPTION Previously received industrial and municipal wastes Located near a residential neighborhood, densely populated area Constructed a cap, operation of methane gas collection and groundwater remediation NFA for sediments 150-acre former petroleum waste facility Numerous above ground storage tanks Underground injection wells Entire waste management facility is surrounded by a flood-protection levee 40-acre site 1 MM cu.yd. of waste 300,000 cu.yd. of oily sludges in lagoons Odors, VOC emissions Active community 80-acre site 3 major TPH-impacted sediment lagoons 300,000 cu.yd. of waste to be managed 20-acre site 20,000 cu.yd. of oily sludges in lagoons PROJECT METRICS ~$5MM, including O&M Total project length = 13 yrs, remedial phase ~5 yrs Stabilization and treatment of ~.5MM yds of sediments 4-yr project Cost to be determined $100 MM source removal 3.5-yr project $5 MM design/build 1.5-year construction schedule $8 MM excavation, stabilize 4-yr design/build OUR ROLE Technical Coordinator NJDEP negotiations Community relations, including neighboring property owners Characterization and detailed analysis of sediments Hg expertise on remediating impacted sediments Project technical coordinator of PRP remediation organization Managing all aspects of RI/FS Data collection and analysis Contract negotiations EPA negotiations Constructive oversight PRP project manager since PRP involvement in 2001 Performed implementability assessment Conceptual design Bidding Contractor selection Design/construction oversight Scope negotiations QA/QC PRP project manager 20 clients LESSONS LEARNED Critical management of community relations Technical Review Panel with NJDEP Identify and manage risk Rigorous cost and schedule controls Communicate Motivate/lead under contract conditions Negotiate a flexible performance-based scope of work Volume scope creep Change order management Proactive communications with city, elected officers, and community

2 PNL’s Sediments and Sludges Experience (cont.)
Project Navigator’s team has managed projects over the past five years where enormous volumes of impacted materials have been handled in a cost-effective manner. In all these projects, we have strived to only excavate what is absolutely necessary to achieve protectiveness, thereby generating cost savings for our clients.  CASE STUDIES Revere Chemical Site Nockamixton, PA Montezuma Wetlands Sonoma County, CA Selby Superfund Site Selby, CA Former Chemical Co. Richmond, CA Tex Tin Superfund Site Texas City, TX DESCRIPTION 113.5 acre site and ~25 acres used for process operations Multi-party CERCLA project that focused on impacts related to metals contamination, including residual sludges 20MM cu yds of sediment dredged from the San Francisco Bay into a subsided, diked wetland Restore 1,800 acres of tidal and marsh wetland 46-acre molten slag depository First CA Superfund Site to receive closure 100-year old chemical manufacturing facility 86-acre located along San Francisco bay, includes saltwater marsh and freshwater lagoons 140-acre former tin smelter Historically significant, only tin smelter in U.S. during WWII Contaminants all inorganic; in soils, sediments, sludges, groundwater and waste PROJECT METRICS ~$3MM for RI/FS and IM work Limited management and excavation of metals/Hg sediment 400,000 cu yds. of sediment will be processed annually in a 165-acre sediment rehandling facility 5-yr project schedule Dredged ~100,000 cu yds of off-shore slag-containing sediments Excavated ~250,000 cu yds s of heavy metal-affected slag Develop comprehensive site conceptual model Multi-phase: data gap analysis, risk assessment, remedial design, and site redevelopment strategy 9,600 cu.yd. of impacted ditch sediment 52,000 cu.yd. of acid pond sludges OUR ROLE Project Manager and Principal Investigator for an RI/FS and Interim Measures program Directed and coordinated comprehensive biological and ecological studies Completed a detailed metals partitioning study on residual sludges and site soils Conceptual design process (tidal, non-tidal, mixed) Extensive ecological, chemical, and engineering evaluations of the site, including vegetation and wildlife use mapping, landscape ecology analyses, soil and sediment characterization Project Technical Lead Performed permitting, remedial design, and construction management Negotiation and interface with Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) and Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Environmental Project Technical Direct Regulatory Interaction and public meetings Treat in place Dispose on site Strengthen to allow further site development LESSONS LEARNED Rigorous project controls Efficient information management Innovative approach, never before achieved Intense public scrutiny Identify appropriate remedial solution and include regulators during the process to achieve both client and regulatory goals Work with multiple stakeholders toward redevelop goals Rigorous scheduling and budget controls Volume estimates always incorrect; contact accordingly Constant reagent mix ratio adjustments reduce costs greatly

3 PNL’s Sediments and Sludges Experience (cont.)
Project Navigator’s team has managed projects over the past five years where enormous volumes of impacted materials have been handled in a cost-effective manner. In all these projects, we have strived to only excavate what is absolutely necessary to achieve protectiveness, thereby generating cost savings for our clients.  CASE STUDIES Patrick Bayou Superfund Site Deer Park, TX Newark Bay Federal Superfund Site NJ/NY Patrick Bayou Federal Superfund Site Deer Park, TX DESCRIPTION 3-mile long bayou with impacted sediments Principal Pollutants: Previous investigations confirmed the presence of the following chemicals in Patrick Bayou sediments: chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, zinc, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), bis-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Newark Bay is ~ 6 miles long and 1 mile wide with impacted sediments 3-mile long bayou at the Houston ship channel with impacted sediments PROJECT METRICS The volume of pollutants will be determined during the RI/FS ~3.3 MM cu. yd. of impacted material will need to be addressed OUR ROLE PRP Group Coordinator Assist the group in AOC/SOW negotiations for the RI/FS Established and Environment Remediation Trust Group Fund Management Data Analysis and Project Strategy Formation AOC/SOW negotiations for the RI/FS Established a Remediation Trust LESSONS LEARNED Proactive communications with city, elected officers, and the community Developed an innovative risk-transfer approach to evaluate risk management options

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