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PRogress Communications, Inc.

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1 PRogress Communications, Inc.
Progress is our priority Emily Withers Becca Parker Allie Leisner Michael Youmans

2 Progress is our priority
Mission statement The mission of PRogress Communications, Inc is to serve our clients thoroughly and effectively through our exceptional practitioners. Our organizational members excel in community relations, audience analysis, and public relations campaigns. We assist our clients and publicize their organization, as well as, create communication strategies that are creative, valuable, and memorable. PRogress Communications, Inc. Progress is our priority

3 Progress is our priority
Our Associates Emily Withers Emily Withers is a senior at Longwood University. She is majoring in Communication Studies with a concentration in public relations. Emily is skilled in event planning, fundraising, communication audits, and PR campaigns. Rebecca Parker Rebecca Parker is a junior at Longwood University majoring in Communication Studies with a concentration in Public Relations. She has experience in event planning and has valuable organization skills. Rebecca is a member of the Communications Club and is very involved on campus and in the community. Allison Leisner Allie Leisner is a junior in the Communication Studies program at Longwood University with a concentration in public relations. She has valuable experience in communication audits and PR campaigns. She is the president of the French club, a dedicated member of the Communications Club, and is very involved on campus. Michael Youmans Michael Youmans is a junior at Longwood University and is majoring in Communication Studies with a concentration in mass media. He is a valuable team member with a specialty in speech-writing and audience analysis. PRogress Communications, Inc. Progress is our priority

4 Progress is our priority
Objectives Create a more positive image of Longwood’s academic standards in an effort to enhance the quality of prospective students. PRogress Communications, Inc. Progress is our priority

5 Competitive Analysis Add SAT scores and ACT scores

6 American college students characteristics
SAT scores for top liberal arts schools ACT scores for top liberal arts schools SAT scores from Virginia schools ACT scores from Virginia schools

7 Prospective Longwood students
Longwood University GPA information

8 Psychographic Profile
Virginia Richmond, Northern Virginia, Virginia Beach, Lynchburg Fears: Not getting accepted into a college or university Leaving home, the unknown Not knowing which major to pursue Hopes/ Goals Finding a school you can be comfortable Doing well academically and socially Obtaining a degree PRogress Communications, Inc. Progress is our priority

9 Psychographic Profile
Popular Culture Music: hip hop/ rap, country, alternative Movies: Twilight, Harry Potter, scary genre, comedy genre Food: Chipotle, Chick-fil-a, Panera, & Subway Video games: Halo, Final Fantasy, Rock Band, Wii PRogress Communications, Inc. Progress is our priority

10 What is Longwood Already Doing?
Why Longwood?

11 Progress is our priority
Areas For Improvement “My belief that I could get into Longwood” was seen as a strong positive influence among prospective students. Publicize the difference in acceptance within the last few years. Offer a more visual representation to show the differences in acceptance rates in the past few years. Brochure Website Mention we will show this on brochure and website PRogress Communications, Inc. Progress is our priority

12 Progress is our priority
Areas For Improvement “My belief that I could get into Longwood” was seen as a strong positive influence among prospective students. Publicize the requirement change within the last few years. Highlight higher GPA requirement to be admitted. Create a “class profile” tab for incoming freshman to demonstrate average requirements. PRogress Communications, Inc. Progress is our priority

13 Progress is our priority
Areas For Improvement “Information available about specific programs on Longwood’s website” was seen as neutral. Publicize new programs and their success Send brochures concerning specialized majors to high schools with specialty programs. Publicize job placements of alumni in these programs. PRogress Communications, Inc. Progress is our priority

14 Progress is our priority
Areas For Improvement “Information available about specific programs on Longwood’s website” was seen as neutral. Post detailed information about different programs on Longwood’s website. Create more visible links concerning different programs. Make "majors list" hyperlinked to their website. PRogress Communications, Inc. Progress is our priority

15 Progress is our priority
Areas For Improvement “My guidance counselor and high school teacher recommended Longwood” was seen as neutral. Increase visitations to high schools in cooperation with the counselors and high school teachers. Continue the student to student program with increased visits. Send flyers to schools announcing when Longwood will be visiting. PRogress Communications, Inc. Progress is our priority

16 Progress is our priority
Areas For Improvement “My guidance counselor and high school teacher recommended Longwood” was seen as neutral. Maintain constant communication with counselors and high school teachers. Send reminder s about upcoming Longwood visits pertaining to prospective students. Send updated information about Longwood University to be handed out to high school students. PRogress Communications, Inc. Progress is our priority

17 Progress is our priority
References PRogress Communications, Inc. Progress is our priority

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