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€20000 Challenge Erasmus+ project ‘Gross National Happiness’

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Presentation on theme: "€20000 Challenge Erasmus+ project ‘Gross National Happiness’"— Presentation transcript:

1 €20000 Challenge Erasmus+ project ‘Gross National Happiness’

2 What can we do to boost happiness around us?

3 Task (in party groups) Think of something cool you could do in the local neighbourhood (Žaliakalnis) This should boost the happiness of people (measuring by GNH) It could be anything! It is up to you to come up with something creative E.g. bike lanes or a public pool OR maybe something that you have and enjoy back at your local neighbourhood However, your budget is limited to €20000 You have 60 minutes for the task! Your idea will be used in the next activity, so come up with a good one

4 60 minutes until hh:mm

5 Roles 6 presenting teams (5 members each = 30 in total)
1 panel (of decision makers) (6 members) The organisers will act as moderators

6 Task for the created parties:
Choose 1 member who wants to sit in the panel – be a decision maker The remaining 5 will have to pitch (present) their €20000 idea/plan for happiness to the panel Follow the instructions

7 How everything goes: 60 minutes: preparation (until hh:mm)
65 minutes: for presentations / questions & answers 10 minutes: for the panel to decide and present their decision

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