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Legislative Update Perkins V Planning

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1 Legislative Update Perkins V Planning
WEC Spring Meeting Nate Humphrey, Kathy Goebel, Peter Guzman Workforce Education May 9, 2019

2 Agenda Federal Legislative State Legislative & Budget
HEA & JOBS Acts State Legislative & Budget Perkins V Planning Question & Answer

3 FEDERAL UPDATES Higher Education Act Reauthorization - Senate
Senator Alexander (R-TN) & Senator Murray (D-WA) Timeline HELP Committee (Spring) Ongoing Hearings Alexander – FAFSA Focused Murray – Comprehensive Approach Student Loan Reforms JOBS Act – Short Term Pell REAL Act – Justice Involved Pell Senate (Summer 2019) Senator Alexander retires in 2020

4 FEDERAL UPDATES JOBS Act – Short Term Pell
Current Law Program Requirements 600 Clock Hours + 15 Weeks in Length Proposed “High-Quality” & “Rigorous” Short Term Job Training Programs “High Demand” in the Job Market “High-Wage”, “High Skill” Industry Sectors & Careers Lead to Industry-Based Credentials WIOA & Perkins Alignments

5 FEDERAL UPDATES JOBS Act – Short Term Pell Proposed
150 Clock Hours + 8 Weeks + Local/Regional Workforce/Industry Partnership Aligned Data share agreement USDOL & ED WIOA Outcome Metrics Endorsed: NSC, ACCT, AACC, CLASP, ACTE, AdvanceCTE

6 FEDERAL UPDATES JOBS Act – Short Term Pell NSC Draft Proposal
AL, IA, NJ, TN, WA, VA Substantial Job Opportunities Transparent Evidence of the Competencies Mastered by Credential Holders Evidence of the Employment & Earnings Outcomes of Individuals after Obtaining the Credential DESIRED: Stackability to Additional Education or Training

7 State Legislative Updates
Where to find information: Legislature (Link) Bills (Link) Committees (Link) Senate Higher Education & Workforce (Link) House College & Workforce Development (Link)

8 State Legislative Priorities
Competitive Compensation for Student Success $68 Million – 3% Each year for 4 Years Pathways to jobs for all Washingtonians $86 Million – Guided Pathways High Demand training locally & statewide $35 Million – 2500 High Demand/High Cost FTEs Total - $189 Million (Link)

9 Operating & Capital BUDGETs
Student Success - HB 1109/HB 2158 Guided Pathways – $32.124M Career Launch Enrollments - $3M Student Assistance Grants - $1.5M (HB 1893) Student Emergency Assistance Grant Unforeseen emergencies Situations that affect ability to attend class Homeless College Students Pilot - $548K (SB 5800) Students experiencing homelessness In the foster care system Almost $1 Billion over 4 Years

10 Operating & Capital BUDGETs
Student Success - HB 1109/HB 2158 Washington College Grant - $190M Replaces State Need Grant Increases awards with tuition increases Hold students harmless from tuition & fee increases Reduces waitlist by 1/3 ( ); eliminate ( ) Significantly Expands Eligibility Family of 4 & ~$50,000 – Full Family of 4 & ~$90,000 – Cap of Partial

11 Operating & Capital BUDGETs
Compensation Increases 3% Wage Increase (July 2019/2020) - $31.877M 5% King County Regional Pay – $17.569M Nurse Educator Salary Increase - $40.8M High Demand Faculty Increase - $20M Foundational Support - HB 1109/HB 2158 Compensation & Central Services - $27.66M Fully Funds Compensation Increases (Fund Split)

12 Operating & Capital BUDGETs
Tuition Increases Tuition Increase – Up to 2.4% Statute formula 14 year avg. growth rate of median hourly wage State Board still has to take action – this is a cap CTCs ~ $121M in “New” Funding Thank Your Members for their Support Roll Call Vote: (Link)

13 Miscellaneous Policy Legislation
HB 1087 – Long Term Care Program HB 1303 – Child Care for Higher Ed Students HB 1355 – Student Counseling Taskforce HB 1568 – Port District Workforce Funds HB 1714 – High School Diploma CTC HB 1734 – Concurrent Enrollment Accreditation HB 1973 – WA Dual Credit Scholarship Pilot SB 5410 – Credit for AP Exam Scores SB 5433 – DOC Students – Post-Secondary Degrees

14 Questions Nate Humphrey (360) 704-4333
Workforce Education Director (360)

15 Perkins V Planning WEC Spring Meeting
Kathy Goebel, Policy Assoc. SBCTC May 9, 2019

16 OSPI & Secondary Schools
Partnerships Workforce Board SBCTC & Colleges Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board (WTB) is designated as the eligible agency for Washington – approves state plan and all the provisions within the plan Lots of staff transitions. It is hoped the WTB will provide labor market tools/data, other tools, road shows and stakeholder engagement events/support In the past, Perkins funding has not received a lot of attention. With the reauthorization there is a new focus on the state plan and distribution of funds. And its alignment with the state’s WIOA plan – TAP PERKINS V OSPI & Secondary Schools

17 5 Big Shifts in Perkins V Programs of Study Performance Indicators
Local Applications (formerly local plans) Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Consultation Requirements (Stakeholder Engagement) Stakeholders: Secondary and postsecondary CTE programs Eligible reps. of 2-year minority serving institutions and historically black colleges & universities, and tribally controlled colleges or universities Adult CTE providers Charter school reps. For education sector, reps include teachers, faculty, school leaders, specialized instructional support personnel, career and academic guidance counselors, & paraeducators. Interested community reps. – parents, students, and community organizations Reps from the State workforce development boards Members and reps from special populations Reps from business and industry and labor organizations Reps of agencies serving out-of-school youth, homeless children and youth, and at-risk youth Reps of Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations Individuals with disabilities Perkins V Act Sec 122(5)(c)(1)(A)

18 Programs of Study New definition - Coordinated, non-duplicative sequence of academic & technical content at the secondary & postsecondary level that Incorporates challenging academic standards Addresses academic and technical knowledge & skills Aligned with needs of industry Progresses in specificity Has multiple entry and exit points that incorporate credentialing Culminates in a recognized postsecondary credential CTE Dual Credit Survey Emphasis on the development of Programs of Study that have multiple entry and exit points, alignment and credentialing. Colleges may want to start now to review their dual credit articulations for relevance and viability. Perkins V Section 3(41)(A-F)

19 Three Performance Indicators
The % of concentrators who Remained enrolled or progressed to Advanced training Military service Service program Peace Corps Employment Received a recognized postsecondary credential. Enrolled in programs that lead to non- traditional fields. Postsecondary subrecipients (colleges) now have only 3 indicators. Previously 7 indicators. May seem easier, but data must be disaggregated by population AND program. Postsecondary CTE Concentrator – all indicators based on CTE concentrators “Student who earns 12 credits in a single CTE program or program of study.” Student who completes a CTE program if the program encompasses fewer than 12 credits. Working hard to define these terms within the data sets the State Board collects. We don’t want to create required data sets the colleges will have to collect and report on outside our current student management system. Postsecondary indicators The percentage of CTE concentrators who, during the second quarter after program completion, remain enrolled in postsecondary ed., are in advanced training, military service, or a service program that receives assistance under title I of the National and Community Service Act of 1990, are volunteers as described in section 5(a) of the Peace Corps Act, or are placed or retained in employment. The percentage of CTE concentrators who receive a recognized postsecondary credential during participating in or within 1 year of program completion. The percentage of CTE concentrators in CTE programs and programs of study that lead to nontraditional fields. Perkins V Act, Section 113(2)(B)(i-iii) Data Disaggregated data by indicator, by program by special populations. Concern for non-trad. and special populations do identify and remediate performance gaps.

20 State Plan Perkins is now included in the WIOA Combined Plan.
Transitional year (July June 2020) Plan due May 24, 2019 Year for developing and implementing a State Plan State Plan In development between May 2019 – April 2020. Must have robust stakeholder engagement. Consultation with the Governor’s Office. Approved by the Workforce Board. Levels of performance for each indicator is set by the state in consultation with stakeholders. No longer required to enter into negotiations with the U.S. Dept. of Education to set performance targets. Disaggregated by population AND program. State Determined Levels of Performance Require states to continually make meaningful progress toward improving the performance of all CTE students. Be subject to a public comment process – in consultation with stakeholders defined in Section 122 of Act. Extent to which targets advance State Plan goals. (If targets are adjusted) how levels were determined and a comparison of other states’ levels of performance. (If targets are adjusted) must be higher than actual performance of past two years. Perkins V Act Section 113(3)(A)(1)(i)(III)(aa-ff)

21 What this means for the colleges
We are building and flying the airplane at the same time. Comprehensive Local Assessment Stakeholder Engagement Local Application All before a State Plan has been adopted… The State Board and WEC representatives purposely looked at changes to this year’s application and ROA. Our intention was not to burden you with new practices, but rather trying to ease the transition to Perkins V and proactively encouraging you to think about changes to come. Hopefully, this year’s revisions will make future ones less burdensome, but colleges need to be prepared for more changes, especially with respect to reporting on and responding to the needs assessment.

22 Comprehensive Local Assessment
Must be completed before the beginning of the grant application period (October 2019 – January 2020) Updated at least every 2 years. 5 Elements: Student performance - subpopulations Programs of sufficient size, scope and quality Implementation of CTE programs/programs of study Recruitment, retention and training of faculty & staff Equal access for all students In collaboration with WTB will be developing some templates and guidance prior to initiating the local assessment.

23 Data Student Data Labor Market Data State Board Dashboard
3 Performance Indicators by program by special populations Labor Market Data Supply-demand gap analysis of local and/or regional employment sectors within the college’s service area. State Board Dashboard 3-year trend line - three performance indicators Looking at labor market tools Special Populations Individuals with disabilities Out-of-work individuals Low-income youth & adults Individuals preparing for non-trad. fields. English learners Single parents/pregnant women Homeless individuals Youth in or who have aged out of foster care Youth with parents on active duty in the armed forces

24 Stakeholder Engagement
Comprehensive needs assessment is developed in consultation with stakeholders defined in Section 122 of Act. Continued consultation with stakeholders is expected – not a one-shot effort. May include… Needs assessment Labor market and employer needs Potential work-based learning opportunities Funding coordinated with other local resources Questions to ponder: Who is going to be the college’s point person for orchestrating the needs assessment? Can colleges partner to share regional resources, data, stakeholders, etc.? Can college staff divvy up responsibilities (one takes labor, another CBOs, another WDCs, etc.)? Will there be a major “meeting of the minds” or a piecemeal approach to engaging stakeholders? What tools would be helpful (demand/decline lists, non-trad fields, SBCTC dashboards, etc.)? What is the role of Advisory Committees? Are programs healthy enough to be valuable/viable?

25 Local Application Includes Results of comprehensive needs assessment.
CTE course offerings and activities supported with Perkins funds including at least one state-approved program of study. Career exploration & guidance Improving academic & technical skills Assessing performance gaps and meeting the needs of special populations Describing work-based learning opportunities Supporting dual credit opportunities for high school students Providing professional development and support of faculty & staff Local Applications – Perkins V Act Section 134. SBCTC and WEC reps tried to cover most of these pieces in this year’s application and the new Report of Accomplishments. What was not included was the needs assessment and achievement gap analysis.

26 Use of Funds Use of funds must be aligned with the results of the needs assessment. Funds must be used to support CTE programs of sufficient size, scope and quality to be effective. 6 required uses Funds must be spent “to develop, coordinate, implement or improve CTE programs to meet the needs identified in the comprehensive needs assessment.” Local Uses of Funds Career Exploration and Development Professional Development Instruction (Skills necessary to pursue careers in high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand industry sectors or occupations…) Integration of Academic Skills into CTE Programs Increase Student Achievement and Meet Local Levels of Performance Evaluation and Assessment Perkins V Act Section 135 (b)(1-6)

27 Secondary / Postsecondary
Funding The distribution of funds in the future is open for discussion and negotiation. 46% / 54% Secondary / Postsecondary Workforce Board is the eligible entity that still determines the “split” of the state’s Perkin grant between secondary, postsecondary and adult CTE. SPEND YOUR MONEY NOW! If you flip the percentages the results would be a $2 million reduction. When spread evenly across the college system, that could mean an average loss of $58,575 per college.

28 Request WEC Perkins V Subcommittee Serve for 1 year.
5-7 representatives from our college system to advise SBCTC Communication strategies Stakeholder engagement Local comprehensive needs assessment Data Local applications Funding Report of Accomplishments

29 Timeline May-August, 2019 Month Subcommittee College May
Initial planning meeting Finalizing applications Monitoring Visits June Communication Strategies Feedback Loops Local Assessments Stakeholder Engagement Grants approved by SBCTC July Finalize communication strategies Discuss local assessment process Funding rolls out Reports of Accomplishment August Funding formulas Local applications Data formats Provide input to subcommittee Note: Tim is providing significant feedback to all but a few colleges on their applications. In general, this is not a criticism, but a means of providing technical assistance to get colleges up-to-speed on what is required of Perkins V. Colleges should not be surprised or defensive if they receive extensive feedback – very few will not receive it. Tim intends to compile a “best-of-the-best” application template so the colleges know what the State Board is looking for and get a picture of what their colleagues are doing so they can consider replicating strategies.

30 Timeline September–December, 2019
Month Subcommittee Colleges September Finalize local applications Data Funding feedback Review materials for training session Provide input to subcommittee October Facilitate Perkins V Roll-Out session - WEC Attend Perkins V Roll-Out November Evaluate roll-out & opportunities for further support & tech. assistance Local stakeholder engagement activities Data review Local needs assessment December Continuation of above activities

31 Timeline January – March, 2020
Month Subcommittee Colleges January Evaluate Stakeholder Engagement Support Evaluate Data Roll-Out Finish stakeholder engagement and local needs assessment activities State Plan input Provide input to subcommittee February Release of Local Applications Report to WEC on lessons learned and feedback loop Applications released March Report of Accomplishments development Applications due Proposing no monitoring in Providing additional support and technical assistance.

32 Timeline April – June, 2020 Month Subcommittee Colleges April
Evaluate planning and application process Provide input to subcommittee State Plan approved May Report to WEC – final State Plan Lessons learned Finalizing applications June Applications approved by SBCTC

33 State Board Staff Commitment
Represent the interests of our college system while supporting state workforce development goals. Open communication that is clear, frequent and welcoming of input. Emphasis on constructive ideas. Provide colleges with tools and support as much as possible within our resources. Flexibility – we know our first go-round will needs tweaks and fixes.

34 QUESTIONS Kathy Goebel Tim McClain
Policy Associate Program Administrator (360) (360)

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