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. Lynette Biery, PA-C, MSc Ninah Sasy, MSA May 10, 2019.

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Presentation on theme: ". Lynette Biery, PA-C, MSc Ninah Sasy, MSA May 10, 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 . Lynette Biery, PA-C, MSc Ninah Sasy, MSA May 10, 2019

2 Session Overview 10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes
Key Milestones for Year 1: 2019 Small Group Discussion Overview of the Improvement Plan Focus on Equity Call to Action 10 minutes 25 minutes

3 Zero preventable deaths Zero health disparities
Vision Zero preventable deaths Zero health disparities Zero Preventable Deaths, Zero Health Disparities We must bridge the gap between public health and private clinical practice to ensure that mothers and infants receive the care needed to improve health outcomes and prevent deaths Maternal and infant health professionals must work together to ensure families are receiving the care needed to prevent deaths

4 Key Objectives Explicitly address inequities
Align public and private sector work Integrate interventions across the maternal infant dyad

5 Strategic Focus Areas Reducing disparities
Addressing the primary causes of preventable maternal deaths Reducing disparities: Achieve zero disparities by utilizing a health equity lens to acknowledge and address health disparities and implement tailored interventions Addressing the primary causes of preventable maternal deaths: Achieve zero preventable maternal deaths by addressing the primary causes of maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity by improving maternal health, equipping providers with the resources needed to adequately prevent and treat obstetric emergencies, improving birth spacing, and decreasing the rate of primary C-section Addressing the primary causes of preventable infant deaths: Achieve zero preventable infant deaths by addressing the primary causes of infant mortality by reducing the rate of preterm births and low birth weight and reducing the number of sleep-related deaths and disparities Addressing the primary causes of preventable infant deaths

6 Regional Perinatal Quality Collaboratives: Implementation
Together, Saving Lives Regional Perinatal Quality Collaboratives: Implementation RPQCs implement a quality improvement project utilizing the Population Health Model; convene diverse regional stakeholders; and authentically engage families. Internal Alignment Population Health and Medicaid programs align their work with the population health model, other program areas, and the RPQCs.. External Alignment Community partners that provide services to moms and babies align their work with the Improvement Plan. Internal Alignment Bureau of Family Health Services MDHHS Program Areas Medicaid Title V Regional Perinatal Quality Collaboratives Seven RPQCs representing eight of Michigan’s prosperity regions External Implementation Local health depts. FQHCs Home visiting programs Maternal infant health care providers Faith-baed organizations

7 Improvement Plan Timeline
Key dates in 2019 Maternal Infant Health Summit Data Meetings Ongoing alignment and implementation May 30, 2019 August-September March 2019 June 2019 Ongoing Tee up town hall meetings Town Hall Meetings Expansion of Ambassador Network MIHEC Meeting Detroit, Michigan

8 2019 Maternal Infant Health Summit
More than 500 attendees came together for the second annual Maternal Infant Health Summit Attendees learned about best practices and discussed the role of racism and unjust treatment in maternal and infant mortality Governor Whitmer unveiled the written Improvement Plan LD

9 Focus on Equity

10 Call to Action for Health Equity
Four action steps starting in Year 1 and forward: Future years 2019 Data-informed interventions Addressing systemic inequities Inclusive decision- making Implicit Bias and Social Justice Trainings, Work Groups

11 Ambassador Network

12 Small Group Discussion

13 Call to Action What you can do 01 02 03 04 Sign up for the newsletter
Join the Ambassador Network 03 Attend the MIHEC At Focus: Hope in Detroit, Michigan May 30, 2019 August/ September 04 Attend MIHEIP Town Hall Meeting(s)

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