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Your Changing Personality

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1 Your Changing Personality
Chapter 3

2 What is your Personality?
Personality: The “Total” you. The way you think, feel, and behave. What people see of you Self-Image: The characteristics you see in yourself

3 Two Theories On Personality Development
1. Erikson’s Eight Stages of Life Age period experiences influence personality and behavior later in life 2. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Needs have to be met to progress on to higher levels. Eventually leading to the ultimate SELF ACTUALIZATION

4 Erikson’s 8 Stages 1. Infancy (0-1) a. Learn trust
b. Needs will be met If neglected during this time….may distrust throughout a lifetime 2. Toddler (1-2) a. Independence. “Terrible twos” b. Self-will If unaccomplished…may be dependent whole life

5 Erikson’s 8 Stages 3. Preschool (3-5) 4. School Age (6- 12)
a. Learn initiative (think and do w/o being told to do) b. curiosity/imagination If discouraged….may avoid leadership and risk later in life 4. School Age (6- 12) a. Industriousness (steady effort) b. confidence to pursue self- chosen goals If development fails, adult will lack social confidence and perform poorly

6 Erikson’s 8 stages 5. Adolescence (12-20) 6. Young Adulthood (21- 40)
a. Develop identity b. Fit into social circle c. pick out role models Failure in this development will lead to insecurity and loss of direction 6. Young Adulthood (21- 40) a. Develop close personal relationships b. Commit to love, work, and social group Failure in this development leads to avoidance of positive relationships

7 Erikson’s 8 stages 8. Older Adulthood (61 and older)
a. Retain satisfaction with life b. Fulfilled with life Undeveloped previous stages will lead to despair, isolation, fear of death 7. Adulthood (41- 60) a. Generosity- helping others b. Pride in accomplishments Failure in this development area leads to self- involvement

8 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Needs have to be met to progress on to higher levels. Eventually leading to the ultimate SELF ACTUALIZATION Your fullest potential; “all that you can be”

9 Maslow’s Hierarchy Physiological: Needs for food, clothing, shelter
Safety: Need to feel safe, secure Love: Need to be loved and feel emotionally secure

10 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Esteem: Need to feel respect and esteem Self-actualization: accept others as they are, self- motivated, problem solvers, strong values, at peace with themselves

11 Developing Self-Esteem
Self-Esteem: Value you attach to your self-image -Self Acceptance is the most important aspect -Be proud of who you are -Don’t compare yourself -Don’t let your failures define you

12 Self Esteem Negative Self-Esteem is associated with: Drug-use/abuse
Crime Violence Pregnancy Failure to learn

13 Peer Groups Group of Individuals that you associate with who share things in common What do they provide: Companionship Help calm fears of being “alone” in situations Offer support/advice

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