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Log2-fold change in relative abundance of differentially abundant OTUs in PyOM300 and PyOM700 (a and b) and in Ps soil and Ar soil (c and d). Log2-fold.

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Presentation on theme: "Log2-fold change in relative abundance of differentially abundant OTUs in PyOM300 and PyOM700 (a and b) and in Ps soil and Ar soil (c and d). Log2-fold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Log2-fold change in relative abundance of differentially abundant OTUs in PyOM300 and PyOM700 (a and b) and in Ps soil and Ar soil (c and d). Log2-fold change in relative abundance of differentially abundant OTUs in PyOM300 and PyOM700 (a and b) and in Ps soil and Ar soil (c and d). Each dot represents a single OTU. Differentially abundant OTUs that were not significantly different (with Log2-fold change of <1 or adjusted P values of >0.1) compared with soil control are not presented in each figure. Dashed lines indicate that the preferences of OTUs for low- and high-pyrolysis-temperature PyOMs were equivalent. The OTUs indicated below the dashed lines preferred low-pyrolysis-temperature PyOM to high-pyrolysis-temperature PyOM, whereas the OTUs indicated above the dashed lines showed the opposite trend. t tests were conducted to show the statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) in the values of Log2-fold change between two PyOMs and between two soils. P values of <0.05 in panels a and b indicate that the whole bacterial community tended to thrive better on low-pyrolysis-temperature PyOM than on high-pyrolysis-temperature PyOM. P values of <0.05 in panels c and d indicate that the bacterial community tended to be more susceptible to being changed in low-C soil than in high-C soil. Zhongmin Dai et al. mSphere 2017; doi: /mSphere

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