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Office of Self Governance Update – April 2019

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1 Office of Self Governance Update – April 2019

2 Personnel Changes Jason Freihage
Appointed to Deputy Assistant Secretary – Management (DAS-M) effective March 17, 2019 Mr. Freihage had been serving as the Acting DAS-M since October 9, 2018. Prior to appointment to DAS-M, Mr. Freihage served at the Chief, Division of Budget and Program Review in the Office of Budget for the Department and previously was the Budget Officer and Planning Officer for the U.S. Geological Survey.

3 Personnel Changes Richard (Rich) Myers
Appointed to the position of Chief of Staff for the Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs Prior to appointment, Mr. Myers served in the Office of the Solicitor as an Attorney Advisor and previously as a Regional Solicitor for Alaska.

4 Office of Self Governance
Director Sharee Freeman Program Analyst Vickie Hanvey Administrative Specialist Emma Phillips Financial Manager (Vacant) Senior Policy Analyst Ken Reinfeld NW Field Office Manager Matt Kallappa Financial Specialist Rufina Villicana Compact Negotiator Gordon Smith Financial Specialist Celeste Engles Program Assistant Maureen Marcellay Compact Negotiator (Vacant) Financial Specialist Lance Fisher Financial Specialist Miles Reader Financial Specialist Thomas Gubatayao

5 Number of SG Tribes (285) by Region (10)
Alaska – 190 Tribes 31 Funding Agreements 10 Consortium Funding Agreements Northwest – 26 Tribes Pacific – 22 Tribes Rocky Mountain – 1 Tribe Western – 7 Tribes Eastern – 2 Tribes Eastern Oklahoma – 12 Tribes Midwest – 12 Tribes Southern Plains – 8 Tribes Southwest – 5 Tribes

6 New Self Governance Tribes for 2019
Chickaloon Native Village Traditional Council (Alaska) The Klamath Tribes (Northwest) Samish Indian Nation (Northwest) Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewards Point Rancheria (Pacific) Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria (Pacific)

7 Office of Self Governance – Finance
To date, OSG has received and obligated approximately $311,758,613 in FY 2019 funding for distribution.

8 OSG Finance - FY 2019 Child Care Development Fund Discretionary
Program Description Amount Child Care Development Fund Discretionary 50,809,314 Community Services Block Grant 119,604 Mandatory 9,705,673 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/Native Employment Works 8,361,539 Operation of Indian Programs 2-year 198,706,420

9 OSG Finance - FY 2019 Program Description Amount
Operations of Indian Programs – Reimbursables Great Lakes Restorations 410,000 Contract Support Costs 32,451,127 Department of the Interior Wildland Fire 2,271,989 Operation of Indian Programs /Construction/Settlement/Damage Assessment Annual, No-Year 315,686 Construction Safety of Dams 1,260,000 Department of Transportation Construction and Planning 7,347,261

10 Contract Support Cost (CSC) 2019 Distributions
FY 2019 paid to date: $32,376,790 Included C.R.’s 1 – 3 Final allocation totaling $53,443,862 received April 16, 2019 Total funding allocated: $85,894,989 Anticipate shortfall of ~$25,000,000 Additional funding will have to be requested by OIS from Administration

11 Contract Support Cost (CSC) 2018 Update
FY 2018 total need: ~$108,797,302 Lump Sum Negotiation Requested by One Tribe In March 2019 FY 2018 total paid: $106,505,612 Additional $2,346,814 requested to cover shortfall FY 2018 Overpayments: $55,124 (2 Tribes)

12 Self Governance Database Upgrade
OSG is preparing the SGDB System Upgrade Plan operational for more than 23 years has not been upgraded in more than 10 years OSG Finance staff has engaged in brainstorming sessions options for more user-friendly updates update from old FFS to FBMS structure automate processes currently performed manually update for current reporting requirements

13 Self Governance Database Upgrade
Requesting Tribal input from SGAC and from the Funding Matrix Report Update Workgroup Changing the funding process for SGDB from funding agreement to a procurement contract

14 Draft 2020 Self Governance Negotiation for Guidance for BIA Programs
Accepting comments to OSG Director and Ken Reinfeld until April 28, 2019 Guidance is posted on the SGDB

15 Minimum Data Collection Report
Work Group of Self-Governance Tribes developed a form to facilitate the collection and submission of data by Self-Governance Tribes. This form was modified with recommendations of the SGAC Form is almost 30 years old Requested feedback of SGAC Review of data collected on form Instructions and definitions Hardcopy form to electronic collection/submission

16 OMB- Collection of Information
The OSG is submitting this information collection request to extend approval for the information collection requirements of the Tribal Self‑Governance Act of 1994, Pub. L. 103‑413 as amended . On February 13, 2019 published Federal Register was a 60-day notice soliciting comments No comments were received by April 15, 2019 On Friday, April 19, 2019 published in a Federal Register 30-day notice Comments due May 19, 2019

17 Self Governance Application Deadline Extension
The deadline for new tribes to apply for Self Governance has been extended to April 30, 2019.

18 Contract Support Cost (CSC) Workgroup
CSC Workgroup meeting is going to be rescheduled due to a scheduling conflict with the 477 Conference held during the week of April 15th.

19 BIA Budget Priority Meetings
OSG has reached out to the Northwest, Southwest, and Western BIA Regional Offices to share the Self Governance tribes’ contact information for the Regional Budget meetings. Any other regions?

20 Taos Pueblo has been invited to attend and present at the 2019 World Community Development Conference in Dundee, Scotland

21 The End

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