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第二次微结构气体探测器研究研讨会 Beijing, China, Jan. 5-6, 2012 BESIII端盖TOF升级 MRPC性能测试 Yongjie Sun Center of Particle Physics and Technology University of Science and Technology of China

Outline Introduction Beam test of the MRPC Prototypes two-end readout MRPC single-end readout MRPC Summary and outlook 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

3 Current ETOF and upgrade Target
μ: 110ps Electron: 148ps π: 138ps (average 1.1GeV for 2 σ π/K separation, but varying is from 0.9 to 1.3 GeV) MRPC ETOF Not too affected by scattering Total <80ps Non-intrinsic: 50ps MRPC: 50ps >1.4GeV for 2 σ π/K separation The drawings are from Sun SS calibration result for almost all present data The red line is representing the time resolution of 80ps X3.38, that is 95% confidence level 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

The conceptual design 36-overlapping modules for each E-cap Module shape: trapezium Gas gap: 2×6×0.22mm, in 2 stacks Total thickness: < 25mm (including gas box and hold structure) Readout: single / two ends Strips: 2.5cm wide, 8.6 – 14.1cm long 4mm wide gap between strips 24 channels for each module 4mm 8.6cm 14.1cm 2.5cm 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

Beam test at BEPC E3 line ~600MeV/c Proton / Pion π p Electronics: NINO+HPTDC Work gas: 90%Freon+5%i-C4H10+5%SF6 Goals of the test: Joint performance test: 50 ps ? Readout method study: single or two ends readout ? Strip length dependence ? At 600MeV/c, π is Minimum Ionization Particle, p is not. π / p can be identified by the charge spectrum of T1 or T2. Proton events were used for better statistics. 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

6 Two-end readout: HV Scan
Proton different particles' efficiency plateau HV>=6.8kV: Time resolution: <45ps For Proton: HV>=6.4kV, efficiency>98% For Pion: HV>=7.0kV, efficiency>98% 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

7 Two-end readout: FEE Threshold Scan
Proton Time Resolution: <45ps For Th>150mV: time resolution changes little with threshold increase 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

8 Two-end readout: Pad Scan
Proton 1 12 Time resolution:<45ps Strip length independent. 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

9 Single-end readout MRPC
Beam Two single-end readout MRPC prototypes were tested together to compare their performance. 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

10 Single-end readout: HV Scan
For proton: HV>=5.8kV,efficiency>98% For Pion: HV>=6.6kV,efficiency>98% different particles' efficiency plateau 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

11 HV Scan results: comparison
Proton Single-end readout time resolution: < 50ps ( trigger witdth = 2cm  intrinsic: ~40ps ) Under work HV: two-end readout shows better time resolution than single-end readout (without T-P correction). Two-end readout need higher work HV. 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

12 Single-end readout: cross-pad scan
trigger size: 5×2 cm2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The boxes represent the hit positions. 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

13 Single-end readout: cross-pad scan
Proton Two prototypes have similar performance. Pad7 shows better time resolution than pad1/pad12. Strip length seems affect the time resolution of single-end readout. 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

14 Single-end readout: along pad6 scan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Hit area: 5×2 cm2 The boxes represent the hit positions. Scan step:1 cm. 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

15 Single-end readout: along pad6 scan
Proton Time resolution:<50ps Hit postion(along pad6) seems affect single-end readout time resolution. 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

16 Single-end readout: along pad11 scan
Hit area: 5×2 cm2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The boxes represent the hit positions Scan step:1cm. 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

17 Single-end readout: along pad11 scan
Proton Pad11 time resolution is not as good as pad6 in overall. For pad11, the influence of hit position is not so clear. 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

Summary and outlook Three MRPC prototypes show very good performance Two-end readout: time resolution (proton): <45ps efficiency: >98% Single-end readout: the two prototypes almost have the same performance time resolution(proton): ~50ps (without T-P correction) efficency: >98% Two-end readout: strip length does not affect the time resolution Single-end readout: strip length has some relation with the time resolution Due to the hit position uncertainty is less, the time resolution of two-end readout is better than single-end readout. MRPC: main performance satisfy ETOF upgrade requirements. More specific work needed to improve the performance. Thank you 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

19 Comparison between proton and pion
At 600MeV/c: proton time resolution is systematically better than pion (MIP) 2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

2019/5/30 BESIII ETOF MRPC Beam Test

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