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Ms. Mooney’s science class

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1 Ms. Mooney’s science class
Welcome to Ms. Mooney’s science class Open House 2017

2 Comprehensive science & Advanced 6th & 7th
Objective for this year is to increase inquiry through hands-on experiments, add science based literacy reading to lessons, & elevate vocabulary knowledge through usage & application.

3 Goals for the Year Experiments & Investigations
Writing lab summaries & defending results Increasing science vocabulary usage Reading/analyzing science articles FCAT Preparation

4 Class Content: Content Includes: - Scientific practices
-Physical Science -Earth & Space science -Environmental Sciences -Life Science

5 Student Expectations Having all necessary materials.
Being respectful to teacher & classmates. Actively participating in class. Maintaining a “healthy” grade point average all year. Trying to complete all assigns to the best of ability Communicate with parents. Student Expectations

6 Grading policy A 89-80 B 79-70 C 69-60 D 59-0 F If an assignment is not turned in the student will receive a zero (Z) for each grade amount If a student missed a class (absent) & the assignment is too difficult to make up the student will receive an excused (X)

7 Class Information: Homework: home learning is not given on a daily basis. It is given when necessary OR if a students needs to complete a class/lab assignment. Daily Journals: students are expected to complete daily bell ringers in complete form for full credit. Textbook: textbooks are consumable & are available on student portal. Tardy assignments: work turned in late will result in a grade lower each consecutive day after original due date.

8 Questions… Please contact me at Thank you!

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