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Studying is more than reviewing notes before a test.

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1 Studying is more than reviewing notes before a test.
Study Skills Studying is more than reviewing notes before a test.

2 General Strategies for Success
1. Be ORGANIZED You should have a notebook for every subject, and it should be organized according to types of material, (i.e.,notes/lab/homework/etc.) and date. A 3-ring binder is the best school supply to keep yourself organized. Dividers help to keep materials separated and organized. It’s impossible to study something you can’t find! Take a few minutes to go through each binder: Assess the current level of organization. Make a plan. Take it all out! Organize it!

3 General Strategies for Success
2. Studying should happen in shorter, more frequent sessions, rather than all the night before the test/quiz. Spend 10 minutes per night going over the notes from that day for each class. On Day 2, spend 10 minutes reviewing the new notes and 10 minutes reviewing yesterday’s notes. (total = 20 minutes) On Day 3, spend 10 minutes reviewing the new notes and 10 minutes reviewing the notes from the day before. (Day 2) This will keep the older material fresh in your brain, along with reviewing the new material!

4 General Strategies for Success
3. Study in a distraction-free zone. Cell phones, computers, TV’s, and iPods should be OFF when you’re studying, unless you are listening to background music. The information you’re trying to learn needs to be your primary focus during your study time. Do the hardest subject first and the easiest last. You will have more brain power at the beginning of your study session. Reward yourself with a 10-minute break from dedicated studying every hour to check texts, Facebook updates, or whatever. Create a space in your home that allows distraction-free studying and is dedicated to learning, NOT entertainment, and study in this same place every night.

5 General Strategies for Success
4. Be present and active in class. Be in class every day (as much as possible!) If you’re not here, you don’t hear the explanations/analogies, do the activities, or complete the classwork with direction from your teacher. Don’t be a “passive student” Ask questions when you don’t understand something. Write extra notes in the margins for explanations that help you remember/understand something. Even if you “get it” in class, you will probably forget if you don’t write it down AND review it later!

6 General Strategies for Success
Try different strategies that you are shown, such as the Vocabulary Introduction Chart, Combination Note Technique, 3-2-1, 5 W’s and 1 H, Acronyms, or Concentration Vocabulary Cards. Use the strategy at least six times until you are comfortable with it. After trying all of the strategies in your classes, choose your favorite and use it consistently. Try any new learning strategy your teachers show you.

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