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Touch Types of Nerve Endings in Skin: (1) Pressure Temperature (Warm)

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1 Touch Types of Nerve Endings in Skin: (1) Pressure Temperature (Warm)
Temperature (Cold) (4) Pain (Nociceptors) Stimulated by mechanical, thermal, & chemical ENERGY Gentle Stimulation of pain receptors Itch Cold + Pressure Wet Tickle Stimulation of a region of pressure receptors Frostbite “Burning”

2 Pain Body telling you something is wrong. -change your behavior immediately. Congenital Analgesia Gate Control Theory Intense signals “free up” spinal cord Paths (Substance P) Brain can “close” the gate (Endorphins) *Only a limited number of messages can travel down paths The Body’s Morphine

3 Can we distract ourselves from the pain? YES!
An athlete who is injured doesn’t realize it until after the game. Emotions and cultural differences can influence the brain's decisions on opening or closing gates. Person's mental state can influence one's experience of pain. Distraction – focus on a nonpainful stimulus Imagery – create a vivid mental image can help control pain. Positive Self Talk – "It hurts, but I'm OK." Or redefine pain. Counter irritation – create a strong competing sensations that's stimulating or irritating. Rubbing a sore area. Creating competing intense feelings can help lessen pain. Rubbing a stubbed toe creates a competing stimulation that will block some of the pain messages. Putting ice on a bruise sends cold messages to the brain which lessen the pain messages. Relaxation – Deep breaths and relaxing deeply

4 Biopsychosocial Perspective on Pain

5 Kinesthetic Sense Provides information on position & orientation of specific body parts. (Arms, Legs, etc.) These individuals often claim to feel “disembodied” Loss of this sense leaves you unaware of where your arms & legs are when not looking at them

6 Vestibular Sense Provides Information on Overall Orientation of your body (Up, Down, Moving) Have you ever felt nauseous after/during a roller coaster? Or car sick? Or sea sick? Generated by your Semicicular Canals & Vestibular Sacs. Located on the Cochlea in the inner ear Provides sense of balance

7 Brain Somatosensory Cortex: Located in Parietal Lobes
Touch & Body Senses Somatosensory Cortex: Located in Parietal Lobes Right side of the body processed in Left Hemisphere Left side of the body processed in Right Hemisphere

8 Taste (Gustation) 5 types of receptors (Taste Buds): 1) Sweet 2) Salty
Located on Papillae (Tongue Bumps) 5 types of receptors (Taste Buds): 1) Sweet 2) Salty 3) Bitter Sour Unami A Chemical Sense! Energy here! Sodium for Body! Poisons! Possible toxic acid! Proteins to fix tissueS Sensitivity to Taste Supertasters (25%) Tasters (50%) Nontasters (25%) Information sent to Thalamus before being sent on!

9 Smell (Olfaction) Receptor Cells (100 different types?) located on Olfactory Bulb Another chemical sense! Olfactory Bulb connects to brain at the Amygdala & Hippocampus. Emotions & Fear Encoding Memories Information does not go through the Thalamus!

10 Influences of the Senses on each other!
Sensory Interaction Influences of the Senses on each other! Examples Flavor= Taste + Smell (You don’t enjoy foods when you have a cold) Texture or Sight of food influences desirability of food! Synesthesia: Disorder in which Senses are Crossed. McGurk Effect (Understanding of Speech= Sound + Sight

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