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What do we want to learn…. ….and how do we do it?

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Presentation on theme: "What do we want to learn…. ….and how do we do it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do we want to learn…. ….and how do we do it?
Learning What do we want to learn…. ….and how do we do it?

2 Think about what you’re going to have to learn on the GP Training Scheme

3 Bradford VTS aims Knowledge of clinical medicine
Understanding of health care for populations Broad understanding of medical ethics Evidence based medicine Preventive medicine Patient centred medicine Use time effectively Good communication skills Organise an efficient and caring practice Work effectively in teams Audit own performance Able to adapt to change Plan continuing professional development Balance demands of work and personal life Tolerate uncertainty Value diversity

4 MRCGP: 17 domains Knowledge: factual, evolving, evidence base
Evaluating and using knowledge: critical appraisal, application of knowledge Problem solving: general, specific Personal care for patients Communication: written, spoken Practice context: practice issues, regulatory framework Broader context: medicopolitical/legal/social, cultural/ethnic Values/attitudes: ethics, commitment to maintaining standards, self awareness

5 Think about how you learned something

6 Experiential learning
Experience Test implications of concepts in new situation Observe and reflect Make abstract concepts and generalisations

7 The reflective practitioner
The professional practitioner reflects on their knowledge whilst engaging in activity. This enables them to adapt to the potentially unique context or problem with which they are faced (Schon, 1983) Professional education should provide people with the opportunity to reflect on their practice and identify the theories embedded in their routine work (Coles, 1994)

8 Constructivism (3 C’s) Construction - you build your knowledge on what you know already Context - important both in learning and in applying it Collaboration - work together and explore each other’s perspectives: “knowledge” varies across contexts and cultures

9 Adult learning Learning what’s important to you
Applicable in the real world Learner, not teacher, is responsible Learning is self directed Learning is continuous, adapts to new situations

10 Think about feedback

11 Definition of feedback
Information about performance or behaviour which leads to action to affirm or develop performance or behaviour - i e To affirm what you do well To help you develop in areas you do less well

12 Useful feedback Is well timed (enough time, full attention, calm, prepared) Involves mutual goodwill Is balanced Is specific Is descriptive Can lead to change (if change required)

13 Receiving feedback May need to ask Listen carefully
Ask for clarification, examples, alternatives Give it time to sink in Think about your relationship with the giver Don’t let small criticisms devastate you Don’t be defensive

14 Giving feedback GP trainers value feedback Be balanced Be specific
Make suggestions for change Don’t wait till you’re about to leave

15 Think about learning from each other

16 Learning from each other
Feedback Facilitating reflection Sharing knowledge Sharing resources Teaching skills Different perspectives

17 Some learning tools Problem case analysis - things you know you don’t know Random case analysis - issues you haven’t identified Critical incident analysis - learning from mistakes and near misses PUNs - patient unmet needs DENs - doctor’s educational needs

18 Summary There’s a lot to learn ‘Knowledge’ is only part of it
Even ‘knowledge’ isn’t straightforward There are many ways to learn Most of your learning will be from yourselves, each other and your patients, not your teachers Understanding learning helps you do it more effectively

19 Recording educational experience - why?
As evidence of learning (for Trainer’s report etc, and for appraisal) To enhance learning To plan future learning To reflect

20 Recording educational experience - how?
Log book with tick boxes Reflective diary Critical incidents Cases with learning points Electronic diary exchange with trainer

21 Whatever method you choose
Record it somehow and choose something (or several things) which works for YOU

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