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SAT List #20 Space out: 5 on front, 5 on back.

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Presentation on theme: "SAT List #20 Space out: 5 on front, 5 on back."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAT List #20 Space out: 5 on front, 5 on back.
prescient primordial procrastinate proficient prolific protean prudent pulchritude quagmire querulous

2 Guess the: P.O.S. & definition
Context Clues: Guess the: P.O.S. & definition Fortune tellers claim to have prescient abilities. (adj) showing foresight, predicting events before they occur, predictive Primordial men were called “cave men”. (adj) belonging to a primitive age; first in time If you procrastinate, you can expect to receive a lower grade on your essay. (v) postpone; stall; defer

3 Proficient Pupils! To become a proficient writer, you must continue practicing and revising drafts. (adj) skillful; masterful; expert 5. Shakespeare was a prolific writer, producing nearly 37 plays. (adj) fruitful; abundant; fertile 6. Water is a protean element; it can go from a liquid to a solid. (adj) taking many forms; changeable; variable

4 Don't get yourself into a quagmire!
As a result of her prudent decisions with money, she was able to buy a car. (adj) careful; cautious; judicious The model’s pulchritude was envied by women and admired by men. (n) beauty; physical appeal Andrew found himself in a quagmire after accidentally calling his girlfriend “fat”. (n) difficult situation; marsh, quicksand, swamp

5 Last one! 10. My friend’s querulous complaining made me want to cover my ears. (adj) difficult; testy; disagreeable

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