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Photoproduction of Neutral Kaons on Liquid Deuterium Target Kabi Bantawa and D. M. Manley Kent State University ץ + n  K0 +Λ With decays: K0  π0.

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Presentation on theme: "Photoproduction of Neutral Kaons on Liquid Deuterium Target Kabi Bantawa and D. M. Manley Kent State University ץ + n  K0 +Λ With decays: K0  π0."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photoproduction of Neutral Kaons on Liquid Deuterium Target Kabi Bantawa and D. M. Manley Kent State University ץ + n  K0 +Λ With decays: K0  π0 + π0 Λ  π0 + n π0  ץ + ץ Net reaction: ץ + n  6ץ + n

2 Flow Chart of Analysis:

3 Kinematic Fit and Confidence Level:
KF is a least-square Fit CL = 1-(INT f(א) dx2

4 Detector Efficiency Using the MC Acceptance Values:

5 Detector Efficiency for a Background Reaction

6 Invariant Mass of 2ץ from all 6-Cluster Events
(Possible Combination of 6ץ to yield a π0 ) ץ+ ץ = π0

7 Invariant Mass of 4 Photons
4 photons from decay of KS using a 25% CL in the Kinematic fit.

8 Z-Vertex from Kinematic Fit

9 Distance Travelled by K0 and Λ
Cτ = cm Cτ = cm

10 Tagging Efficiency of Glasgow Tagger

11 Photon Flux Variation with Eץ

12 Total Cross Section of the Background K0Σ+ Channel

13 Comparison Total Cross Section K0Σ+

14 Subtraction Ratios = Length of Prompt Window / Length of Random Widow
Random Window Random Window Poly fit Poly. fit

15 Random / Prompt Subtraction

16 Background Subtraction

17 Time-of-Flight of TAPS vs. CB Energy

18 Variation of the Invariant Mass Squared with Momentum

19 Variation of Beta with Momentum

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